Chris profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

Hey what's up, haven't been in touch with everyone in awhile, drop me a line say hello, life is good down in Florida. Business is well, taking decent care of myself...maybe try to quit smoking soon lol. Everyone needs to start getting their asses on a plane, and coming to visit. I should be back in a few weeks to come chill! Until then, keep the party going, and say wassup.If I don't know you....why are you stalking me? All stalking applications are to be sent through the message system before friend requests! LOL! chris --
Sexually stunning
'How will you be defined in the dictionary?' at ESFP - The Performer
You scored 90% I to E, 68% N to S, 42% F to T, and 68% J to P!
Your type is called the performer, and you very much feel "all the world's a stage". Your type is part of a larger category called experiencers or artisans. You are playful and fun-loving, and wish to help all those around you lighten up. You radiate warmth and optimism. Your motto is "eat, drink, and be merry". You share your type with over 10% of the population. You don't like to be alone - ever, if possible. You are always up on what is new and hot.
As a romantic partner, you are fun and affectionate, leading an active life full of friends. You are naturually happy-go-lucky and supportive of your partner. You dislike confrontation, and will avoid conflict discussion at all costs. You tend to let things go, hoping they go away on their own. You feel most appreciated when your partner is affectionate and acknowledges the good deeds you do, but doesn't make a particularly big deal out of them.
Your group summary: Experiencers (sp)
..trMy test tracked 4 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender: ..table You scored higher than 94% on I to E ..table You scored higher than 87% on N to S ..table You scored higher than 42% on F to T ..table You scored higher than 77% on J to P ..table ..table
Link: The LONG Scientific Personality Test written by unpretentious2 on Ok Cupid
?? Which Of The Greek Gods Are You ??
Made with the MyTheme A

My Interests

I have alot of different hobbies, most of my time is eaten up by work now, but when I get a free chance I like to play guitar or piano...maybe write some new music....I read alot, whether I'm studying for some kind of licensing exam for work, or just reading for pleasure...I spend alot of time online, reading about shit I know nothing I have something else to bullshit about while I'm bartending.. Other than that..I'm pretty much willing to try anything if it seems fun.

I'd like to meet:

Anyone cool...people I used to know, haven't talked to in forever.....someone without a man, a kid or a three suitcases worth of baggage behind her would do nice as long as I'm asking for stuff.


I play piano, saxophone and guitar so music has always played an important role in who I am. I love: Led Zeppelin, The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Bob Seger, Jimmy Buffett, James Taylor, The Doors, The Eagles, The Grateful Dead, Dire Straits, Eric Clapton, Bob Marley, Pink Floyd, The Allman Brothers, Steve Miller Band, Dave Matthews Band, 311, Sublime, ....this list is getting long.....needless to say it goes on for quite awhile, covering everything from classical to jazz, to rock, to techno and finally hip-hop, reggae and rap!Also, if you sing...well....and only want to be divas please... Let me know, I need a singer!


Requiem for a Dream, Trainspotting, Miracle, Kill Bill 1&2, The Matrix Trilogy, Star Wars, LOTR, The Usual Suspects, Slapshot, Braveheart, Gladiator, Troy, Pretty much anything by Tarentino...especially Dusk Til Dawn...awesome movie.. I like vampire and werewolf movies..old scary movies... Something with a twist on the end... Chick flicks aren't much my thing, but I can be easily convinced to sit through them with the promise of real romance to follow....


The TV is normally being held hostage by some type of video game system.. but when the Xbox and Playstation have overheated... Family Guy, Simpsons, Aqua Teen, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Rome, Entourage, The Sopranos, Scooby Doo, Fresh Prince re-runs, Saved by the Bell re-runs, Chappelle Show...God I hope he comes back... Da Ali G Show...when it's on...Borat is hysterical... Southpark, and 24....I have a friend who looks like Jack Bauer...he still never gets laid...pray for him.


My favorite book of all time is Where the Red Fern Grows, but I read anything I come across...mostly the newspapers...but other great books include: The Great Gatsby, Farewell to Arms, Dracula, Red Badge of Courage, Catcher in the Rye, The Outsiders, Green Eggs and Ham, 1984, Farenheit 451, Animal Farm, Jurassic Park, LOTR Trilogy, and almost anything by Stephen King, Anne Rice, Tom Clancy and John Grishman.


This is my favorite piece of pussy.

adopt your own virtual pet!