Fragment profile picture


...Only lost souls..

About Me

Fragment project was born in Catania in 2003, when the bass player Alfio Timoniere and the guitarist Den Barbagallo called the singer Alex Consoli and the drummer Eugenio Spina to form a band with the aim to compose a Melancholic Progressive Metal mixed with Gothic and Dark New Wave sonority. Then the keyboard player, Gabriele Litrico, and the other guitarist, Giovanni Calì joined the band and completed the line up. With this members the band registered at the Experience studio of Catania a demo titled Fragment, a five tracks concept (Eutk review:7). After a couple of shows around Catania the guitarist Den was fired and Riccardo Failla (Orion Riders) substituted him. The band composed three new songs that in 2006 were registered at Riccardo's studio for the new demo, Way Down To Hell (Eutk Top demo: 8). But unfortunately Eugenio's commitment is not sufficient and the band decided to call Sandro Galati as new drummer. Now the band is rehearsing and rearranging its songs with the aim to make some live shows.Fragment...the lost souls of metal.

My Interests


Member Since: 2/6/2007
Band Website:
Band Members: Giovanni Calì: Guitars--- Alessandro Consoli: Vocals--- Riccardo Failla: Guitars--- Sandro Galati: Drums--- Gabriele Litrico: Keyboards--- Alfio Timoniere: Bass
Influences: Doom, Progressive, Dark, Gothic, Emotional
Sounds Like:

Type of Label: None

My Blog

Recensione EUTK
Posted by Fragment on Sun, 11 Feb 2007 02:34:00 PST