bacon, katamari damacy, trebuchets, migas the food, Migas(nee Texas Toast, now Bing Bong) the cat, freezing my ass off, whiplash, the blood of the innocent, kitties, chicken milk, mexican martinis straight out of the shaker, yelling at people, being the nicest jerk you know.
if you're the type of person who swerves right before making a left turn or is completely unable to accelerate onto a highway, i'd love to meet you, take you camping, and then cook my dinner over your smoldering corpse.
oh, and this guy:
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jammin' oldies and soft rock. i'm not kidding.
Bottle Rocket, Harold and Maude, City of God, most movies about the world ending, snuff films with happy endings, anything where Richard Dreyfuss dies
Northern Exposure, all the same stuff every other smartass 20-something watches.
Alexander and the Terrible Horrible No-Good Very Bad Day, the Odyssey, mommy when can i die?