Brian profile picture


always do the best you can with the best you've got

About Me

You Are a Blueberry Margarita
Honestly, there's no one quite like you. And believe it or not, most people think that's a bad thing!
You're open, wild, friendly, wacky, and tons of fun. You have a big personality... and a big heart. What Flavor Margarita Are You? There is a LOT to me, but I don't like to ramble TOO often, so if there's anything you want to know about me, feel free to ask. But I love to please, I think that's why I'm around... anything that I can do, "if you say it, I do it..." but if I can do anything to help you do or get what you want done, than I would also enjoy doing just that, for that reason alone! -selfish, huh?

My Interests

I like to do almost anything social... ;)

Myspace Layouts by

I'd like to meet:

this is a pretty open ended statement... who knows... it may be YOU!!!
You Are 87% Grown Up, 13% Kid
Your emotional maturity is fully developed, and you have an excellent grasp on your emotions.
In fact, you are so emotionally mature - you should consider being a therapist! How Emotionally Mature Are You?


Rob Thomas, Howie Day, Jack Johnson, Guster, Rascal Flatts... it goes on and on and on, I like it all. ..


Name: Good ol' Brian
Birthday: Aug. 17, 1981
Birthplace: Akron, Oh
Current Location: Merriam, Ks
Eye Color: Brown, does that mean I'm full of shit?
Hair Color: Brown...
Height: 6'2
Right Handed or Left Handed: left, or both...
Your Heritage: mostly Italian, but I'm a mut...
The Shoes You Wore Today: my sneaks...
Your Weakness: over analytical
Your Fears: Variables...
Your Perfect Pizza: CHEESE!!!!
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: That answer could be very long... ask if you really want to know
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: whatever!
Thoughts First Waking Up: depends on when I wake up, IF I slept in the first place!
Your Best Physical Feature: depends on who's input I should share...
Your Bedtime: sometimes 10, sometimes 3, sometimes not applicable
Your Most Missed Memory: again, could be a long answer, short version, my past
Pepsi or Coke: root beer baby
MacDonalds or Burger King: still fast food, but I'm a Taco Bell kinda guy
Single or Group Dates: depends on whos asking!
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: either one, I put way too much sugar in my tea
Chocolate or Vanilla: depends on what with... ;)
Cappuccino or Coffee: gas station Cappuccino is all it takes!
Do you Smoke: for now, quit before I'm 35
Do you Swear: fuck yeah; sometimes...
Do you Sing: I'm workin on it...
Do you Shower Daily: at least once
Have you Been in Love: I think so, but I have to admit the judges are out
Do you want to go to College: I did go to a university, I miss it a LOT, then I went to a community college, finaly earned a degree online... again, long story, ask if you care
Do you want to get Married: I believe so, but; I will when I should...
Do you belive in yourself: again... I'm workin on it
Do you get Motion Sickness: hell no
Do you think you are Attractive: been told that, so I guess so...
Are you a Health Freak: it could be superficially argued that I don't act like it like I used to, but I am
Do you get along with your Parents: very much so
Do you like Thunderstorms: no...I love 'em, are straight guys allowed to say that?
Do you play an Instrument: kinda a guitar nerd
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: month, week, day or hour? ;)
In the past month have you Smoked: bad habit, I admit it... I'm a boredom smoker
In the past month have you been on Drugs: I plead the 5th
In the past month have you gone on a Date: Do I have to admit it if the answer is no?
In the past month have you gone to a Mall: yeah, it's hard to be a very straight metro with little money...
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: I don't think so, but no promises...
In the past month have you eaten Sushi: nope. Not really a fan...
In the past month have you been on Stage: ...define stage...
In the past month have you been Dumped: nope :D
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: I don't think so...
In the past month have you Stolen Anything: of course not
Ever been Drunk: not that I remember... so... uh... yeah
Ever been called a Tease: many things in that context, but tease istn't one of them...
Ever been Beaten up: had a few try, but... nope...
Ever Shoplifted: in the 7th grade I took a pack of baseball cards, but I felt bad and gave it back later that night
How do you want to Die: saving, protecting, defending, or helping someone else
What do you want to be when you Grow Up: successful
What country would you most like to Visit: ItalyAustralia
In a Boy/Girl..
Favourite Eye Color: hazel
Favourite Hair Color: superficially a blonde fan like almost all guys are, but recently learned hair is a small factor in seeing someone you LOVE
Short or Long Hair: I'm a shorter hair kinda guy... different styles of course, depends on who's hair
Height: 6'2''
Weight: 190
Best Clothing Style: changes with the crowd I'm rollin with
Number of Drugs I have taken: I forget... ;)
Number of CDs I own: too many to count, and I'm not around them much anymore with the famous Ipod
Number of Piercings: none...
Number of Tattoos: just 2
Number of things in my Past I Regret: the famous "I'm invicible" immature thought, only a 2 month coma and brain injury to learn that wasn't true


ER, Charmed, That 70s show...

My Blog

My Celebrity Look-alikes
Posted by Brian on Mon, 01 Oct 2007 10:35:00 PST