~I enjoi....Jet Skiing,"smokin' herb in da burbz", Pogoing at a proffesional level, and ocasionally masturbating 2 classical music...also
Profile Generator
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FRE$H CHIX=Jesus or Father Timelt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"href="http://www.msplinks.com/MDFodHRwOi8vcGhvdG9idW NrZXQuY29t" target="_blank" MyGen Profile Generator
Evil Bong,Pulp Fiction, Breaking 2:Electric Bugaloo, Space Balls, Bibleman, Sling Blade, 102 Dalmations, X-Men 2, Chocolat, Shitty Shitty Gang Bang, Adventures in Babysitting, Fast and the Furious, the Sandlot, the Mask, Police Academy(1-10), Bamboozled, Under the Tuscan Sun, Howard the Duck, Orgazmo, Lilo and Stitch, the Next Karate Kid, Amelie, Lady Bugs, Karate Kid, Eagle Claw 3, Knocked Up, Superbad, The Simpsons Movie, Medellin. MyGen Profile Generator
One Tree Hill, In Living Color, Good Times, Adventures of Pete & Pete, Will & Grace, GirlFriends, Simpsons, Dragonball Z, Becker, Gilmore Girls, Def Poetry Jam, 90210, I Love Lucy, G I Joe, Three Guys a Girl and a Pizza Place, Saved by the Bell:the New Class, Desperate Housewives, Alf, King of Queens, Queer as Folk, Dora the Explorer, Nanny 911, George Lopez, Hogan Knows Best, SNL, Maury Povich,entourage,trailer park boys, boon-docks,a-t-h-f,laura(on channel 44 chicago time), Undergrads, Drawn Together, Ultimate Fighter, Miami Ink, Londin Ink, LA Ink, The Office, Dancing With The Stars...HEROES!.....etc. MyGen Profile Generator
My Dad, Oprah, Space Ghost, Hillary Clinton, Ralph Matchio, Prince Paul, Enigma, Mya Angelu, Dondi, Bas Rutten, Christopgher Reeves, Christopher Walken, Flow Master, Elian Gonzales, Dave Chapelle, Steve Madden,lord infamous, Martin Luther King Jr., Strom Thurman, Bono, Barak Obama, the whole Zulu Nation AND MOST OF ALL "MY FAMILY"......... MyGen Profile Generator ....