Perry profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

I am at my happiest when I am sitting in a park, in the sun, with a book and a friend.I am at my saddest when I wake up in the middle of the night to find both legs asleep and have to go through that terrible one minute when they come back to life in a crescendo of pins and needles.
I like art. I don't think that it will save the world or that it's the most important thing. I believe that feeding people, clothing them, and giving them shelter are all more important. But I like that art is a point of departure for a multitude of experiences: aesthetic, cultural, political, emotional.
I am not much of a "homebody." I like to make people laugh. I enjoy spending time with other people preferably in quiet bars where I can converse without going hoarse. I make eye contact and give a firm handshake. My ability to play guitar, keyboard, and drums is limited but it is enough to play along to 88 percent of songs.
I like dark beers. I have a decent falsetto voice. My baritone range is solid. I do not lift weights. I fall onto the floor in fits of laughter occasionally. I wrote a rap song once. One of my heroes is not Amelia Earheart. I don't smoke. I do not abbreviate words when I text message. Listening to music often times brings me to a state of elation. I am very disappointed with the current political climate of our United States and got very drunk and puked the night that Bush was relected. I sometimes use an umlaut on the second of two abutting vowels only because the New Yorker does this and they are my model for pretension. The dictionary is my favorite book. I favor cats over dogs although I've seen some rad dogs recently.
facebook profile

My Interests

Drawing with tape, spats, Tintin et Milou, members of Society of Sober Sailors, Daring to Keep Kids off Drugs, pulled-up socks, swimming pools with chlorine levels that turn eyes red, circuses, Thomas Tallis (RIP), snips, snails, puppydog's tails, condors, grids, cubes, white, steely glares, Matthew Ritchie, Sol LeWitt, Laurence Weiner, Matt Barney, the lesser known but better, Anchor Steam, black coffee, cats (from a moderate distance), walking in Central Park looking for slugs, visiting museums, singing at the top of my lungs in subway terminals while trains pass, parmesan cheese, stoicism, getting rid of stuff, power chords, reading body language, pashmina, blue dragon flies, iridescence, sugar cane, lightning storms, heart-rate monitors.

I'd like to meet:

The curious. The morbidly obese .


Th'Faith Healers, The Fiery Furnaces, Band of Horses, Oneida, Quasi, electric presidents, Phish, Steve Reich, Jelly Roll Morton, Guster, Paris Combo, The Decemberists, Fruit Bats, Rufus Wainwright, moe., Radiohead, Beck, Cake, Wilco, Zutons, Pedro the Lion, Josh Rouse, Jelly Roll Morton, Built to Spill, Leftover Salmon, Boo Radleys, Pixies, Velvet Underground, Gillian Welch, AC/DC, Thomas Tallis, Jollyship the Whizbang, Hank Jones, The Stills, The Hazzards, Aberdeen City, The M's, Dr. Octagon/Kool Keith, The Witnesses, Dan the Automator, The New Pornographers, Check Tidiane-Seck, The Go! Team, any music at 120 beats per minute


Sous le Sable, Waiting for Guffman, Rad (1986), This is Spinal Tap, Jean de Florette, Amelie


I do not watch TV. But I download shows to watch on my computer: Lost, NOVA, The News Hour, The Office (English version), Arrested Development, The Sopranos, Reno 911


Susan Sontag, Don DeLillo, Susan Faludi, Paul Auster, Jean Baudrillard, The New York Times, The New Yorker, ArtForum, Frieze, Time's Arrow, Zorba the Greek, Art Theory Books


The common office worker

My Blog

My blog can be found at:

Posted by Perry on Sat, 11 Nov 2006 07:23:00 PST