Dancing, singing lol, my daughter and hanging with my friends.
Just Because..
...Another Survey...
Story behind your myspace song umm it changes all the time so..
What month were you born in January
Where do you live P-town
...Describe Your...
Wallet pink snake skin
Dream car rolls royce
Toothbrush red
Jewellery worn daily diamond ring
Pillow Case BARBIE!
Eyes shitty brown
Room austin powersish
Love life fantabulastic
Cologne/Perfume moonlite path
Cd in stereo old school Jay Z
Piercings tounge belly ears nose
Wearing a hoodie and pink silky pants lol
Wanting to see my werido boyfriend
What does your headline mean i think it means what it says
Last thing you ate soup
Something you are afraid of heights and flamingos
Do you like candles who doesnt?
Do you like the taste of blood fucking WEIRD!
Do you believe in love yes
Do you believe in soul mates no
Do you like seafood sure do
Do you remember your dreams only sometimes
Do you consider yourself a study freak i think ive maybe studied like once in my life...if that
What's your favorite thing to do in the place where you live play with my daughter
Do you like tattoos depends
Do you burn easily in the sun nah
Do you speak another language other than English umm yes i do .. Indian
What's something you wish you could understand better life
Are you shy around a crush not really
What book would you recommend to anyone i don't read
Last show you watched an entire episode of America's next top model
Last movie you watched at home monsters inc.
Got any plans for the weekend same shit different weekend
Who do you miss my man
Last incoming call on your cell phone my hunny
What is the last thing you downloaded onto your computer i don't know maybe a song or two?
What's your favorite restaurant Jimmy's
Last time you swam in a pool about...4 months ago
What was the last thing you bought baby food
A secret about you ill never tell....
Ever made a prank phone call come on..
Where did Waldo go i think he's up in a really high tree looking down on everyone...ready to pounce
Do you really know all the words to your national anthem well.. Nickey and I used to sit on my front pourch and sing it really louldly so the "people" next door could hear ... HAHA
What did your last text message say I just wanted 2 tell u how much i love u and also get your monkey ass in gear i miss u miss 5%
Have you ever been in a beauty pageant well nickey and I used to pretend if that counts..
Have you ever written poetry no im not good with words like that.
How many people have you kissed im a kissing hoe
Have you ever won a trophy yes many.. lol
Are you a good cook well FUCK YEAH!
Do you know how to pump your own gas omg yeah
Think fast, who do you hate right now johnny?...
Who was the last person you visited in the hospital my daughter when she was born.
What do you think about most my daughter
Take this survey
I'd like to meet:
An Indian chef by the name of "Homa" that'd be cool...
Myspace Codes
women (absolutely you will laugh)
Myspace Codes
funny ones, duh!
Myspace Layouts
I forgot how to read
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