Yuriko profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥Hello!! I am a Japanese who live in Norway. I love living in Norway. I think it's more relaxing and less stressing.I always liked to watch movies. I like actors like Stephen Fry, Damian Lewis, High Laurie, Paul Giamatti, Billy Bob Thornton, Steve Buscemi who can act without any words at all. Without actors like them, there are no good movies.I'd like to have some plants and flowers in my house but I seem to kill most of the flowers or plants I have without trying.......I try to be nice to everyone and try to accept difference between people.This page is still under construction, so I will make it better (maybe sometime in the future).I'm a webmaster for www.wigwamjapan.com. Due to technical problem, my site is out of service BUT I am making a new wigwamjapan.com as I speak. Keep on rocking!!

My Interests

Melodic Rock, WIG WAM, Languages, Travelling, Meeting new people, Sudoku


Jorn Lande (His voice moves me....), Kamelot (one of the best live band I ever seen!) Arjen Lucasen (Ayreon, Star one, Stream of Passion etc.), House of Lords, Journey, Bryan Adams, Bon Jovi, A-ha, and of course WIG WAM !! They ROCK!!


"Champ" "Outsiders" "Austin Powers" "Bedazzled"


"Scrubs" (the best comedy ever!!) "The Daily Show with Jon Stewart"(I just love his sence of humor) "Married with children" "The Simpsons" "Midsomer murders" "Medium" "Top Gear""60 minutes"


Considerate people