Magic, art, philosophy, music (mostly industrial), comic books, regular books, sculpting, painting, sewing (especially dragons and stuff to wear when dancing), mythology, figuring out what this whole human experience is all about...
Artists, philosophers, random crazy people, random sane people, anyone with an open mind, intelligence and something interesting to talk about.
Anything I can dance to is great. VNV Nation, Angelspit, Funker Vogt, Assemblage 23....
I like movies with lots of special effects and graphic violence. I usually have too much other stuff going on to sit through movies very often.
I avoid it like the plague.
If it doesn't mess with your head and/or keep your eyes glued to the pages for hours on end, it isn't a very good book. Currently engrossed in the Skrayling tree. Here are a few of my favorites: A Game of Thrones (and all the others in that series) by George R. R. Martin The Book of Paradox by Louise Cooper (probably going to reread that one soon) The Invisibles (graphic novel series) you may not want to read these sober... Promethea (graphic novels) Very, very moving. Read these in order for best head scrambing. Transmetropolitan (graphic novels) Part social commentary/parody, part really, really sick action/ comedy series, all good fun! The Apartheid of Sex by Martine Rothblatt This little book gives you a lot to think about.