let's talk turkey
In the air I flew
Through the clouds I fall
Through the country I've walked
In front of temples I've stood
Before the ocean I pray
And I said your name
CHAN! where would i be without you?
"Individual consciousness is like a drowsy bug sailing down the swift main stream on a leaf. The bug has the choice to flutter a little and force its leaf to enter one of the side channels, or allow it to zoom along the main stream. Normally of course, the bug just lets the leaf sail on an uninterrupted course. In fact, it finds it particularly easy to do so, especially if it has fallen asleep (this sort of bug has a natural tendency to fall asleep, owing to the effort of staying awake!). The bug has all kinds of choices, but usually floats down the main stream, dozing; it has forgotten that its natural ability is to fly! And the longer it stays on the leaf, the wetter and sleepier it gets and the less likely it is to make the leap and fly away."
Indie Hardcore Nu-Metal Industrial Oldies Weak Rock
Curb Your Enthusiasm Nip/Tuck House MXC SNL Family Guy Kids In The Hall Arrested Development Aqua Teen Hunger Force
Clockwork Orange The Stand LOTR How To Pass Time The Dark Half A Child Called It Green Eggs And Ham
Parents Jordan Ayisha Jesus