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Music you want me to tell you what kind of music I like...THERE'S NOT ENOUGH ROOM ON THIS PAGE..LOL First I love any music me or my friends write... I eat,sleep, breathe music I love it ALL...I will not name any 1. because I don't want to leave anyone out or be limitd to those artist...And 2. not be able to tell you a name to every song I like (theres just to many) but "fo sho" I o and sing almost every song on BET, MTV, VH1 and for those who have cable channel 816, and 817 lol... I love to sing and can't wait to record my own album....
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Casino was the s*** thats my favoriesssssssst movie of all time.....And other movies are ok like Tylor Perry movies those are fun, and sixth sense that was good, The Talented Mr. Ripley also a good one.....I like part scarey, part suspense with a dash of sexy :)
Man I love me some Grey's Anatomy, Sex in the City re-runs, CSI-svu, Law and Order those are my hot dates for the week lol.....
What book am I not reading!!! I'm creating a strong better foundation for myself so I'm reading books like: Women thou are lose, How to live life with out loosing, and with Men like Bitches. After those I have plenty more at home to read. I enjoy read a good book everyday while I walk to work. Yeah I'm blessed my job in that close(1-1.5 miles)