Your Birthdate: February 12
Being born on the 12th day of the month (3 energy) is likely to add a good bit of vitality to your life.The energy of 3 allows you bounce back rapidly from setbacks, physical or mental.There is a restlessness in your nature, but you seem to be able to portray an easygoing, sometimes "couldn't care less" attitude.You have a natural ability to express yourself in public, and you always make a very good impression.Good with words, you excel in writing, speaking, and possibly singing.You are energetic and always a good conversationalist.You have a keen imagination, but you tend to scatter your energies and become involved with too may superficial matters.Your mind is practical and rational despite this tendency to jump about.You are affectionate and loving - but very sensitive.You are subject to rapid ups and downs.
What Does Your Birth Date Mean?
First of all I would Love to meet the CREATOR when my time is up.... Next you already know its about Mr.Bryant!
CSI:Miami and Vegas LAKERS!!! National Geographic,History Channel,Science channel, Animal Planet (yea i said it)-- Ya'll need to see that AL GORE movie about GLOBAL WARMING... thats some serious shyt! We have kids and soon to have grand kids that we have to think about!ESPN and all SPORTS!
The Bible... new and old testiment Think and Grow Rich... Napoleon Hill Building and designing a webpage for idiots He-motions... TD Jakes