I have entirely too many interests. Some people call it an overactive mind. I pretty much love all sports. College and Pro. Packers, Bucks, Brewers, Badgers, Marquette, Hurricanes... I love boxing and MMA fighting. If there's competition, I generally like it.
Quality is not an act, it's a habit.Stains, Beans, DB's.
I like it all. Hip-Hop, Rap, Rock, Blues Jazz, Country, Classical, Reggae. It all gives me insight to better music. Spoken word to love songs… I don’t care. George Winston, Donavon Frankenreiter, Ben Harper, Kanye West, Tu Pac, Akiva…
You know what your problem is, it's that you haven't seen enough movies - all of life's riddles are answered in the movies. Steve Martin
Sportscenter, ESPN, Entourage, The Office, Law & Order, Lost, My Name is Earl, Criminal Minds, Nip Tuck, re-runs of Bozo The Clown. Seriously... have you seen those!? Awesome.
They're cool
My mom... she raised me. My niece and nephews because they never cease to amaze me. My bro... he's chasin' his dream. Coach because he's always been present.