Myspace Layouts at / Pink Butterfly 2
Myspace Layouts at / Pink Butterfly 2
Sleeping, homework, reading, homework, watching movies, homework, working out, homework, fishing, homework, hanging with my friends, homework, beach...Did I mention HOMEWORK???!!!!
Old friends, new friends......friends! I don't want to meet anyone who is going to send me "free playstation", "free walmart cards", "free cell phones" and crap like that! I don't want messages from people who tell me that I never have to work again...just follow their plan. If your plan is that great then why is it on myspace?
I like everything...rap...hip hop...alternative...hawaiian...some classical...OH MY GOD I am getting old!
Hmmm...I like lots...Boyz N The Hood is my favorite...How To Lose a Guy in 10 Days...Once Were Warriors...Whale Rider...
Survivor...American Idol...Will and Grace...Seinfeld...Sex and the City...and all those fabulously disgusting medical shows!
I can't remember the last book I read...Nursing books...
My mom! and anyone who passed their NCLEX!