CRAZY EVOLUTION profile picture


About Me

A la primavera del 2005, el Daniel Guzmán, exbateria de Males Herbes, va decidir formar un nou grup on ell cantés i toqués la guitarra, amb la ajuda del seu amic Edgar Mañas, que llavors estava aprenent a tocar el baix, i el Joan Solé, un mini-Travis Barker fanàtic de Blink 182. Quan ja tenen la seva primera maqueta gravada, s'uneix un nou guitarrista al grup, l'Eladi Sanchez. Així­, des del juny del 2006, els Crazy Evolution van passar a ser 4 membres.
Coneguts a molts llocs de Catalunya i arreu del món gràcies a internet més pels seus ví­deos bojos que per la música, els crazys es deixen veure al Solsona Rock Festival, a Avià o al pub solsoní­ Sputnik, i van preparant nous temes mentrestant. Més tard els hi succeeixen una sèrie de fets curiosos: alguns dels seus ví­deos van sortir per TV3, es van quedar en gallumbos durant una actuació per carnaval, un representant d'una important marca de lubricant per motos contacta amb ells a l'haver vist un ví­deo on apareixen tirant-se dins d'un bidó...
A l'abril del 2007 decideixen fer una sessió fotogràfica, i acaben colant-se a les piscines municipals, on tenen un petit accident, motiu de molts rumors estúpids per part d'alguna gent de la seva localitat. Un mes després graben el seu segon treball, la cançó "Sam-N", que pretenen incloure en la maqueta titulada Welcome To Crazyland. Al setembre, acaben de grabar les 3 cançons que la conformen (Rainy Sunday, Infectd i Girlfriends).
Durant aquest hivern, els Crazys estaran fent concertillus arreu de Catalunya, o sigui que no deixis de visitar la web perquè pot ser que arribin a la teva ciutat!
May I should Stop, this song is so deep inside my soul; Give me what you can, but it'll never be all that I want!!
Crazy Evolution són:
Daniel (veu, guitarra i sex-symbol)
Edgar (el alto con bajo saltimbanqui)
Eladi (guitarra, seriositat i galls)
Joanet (cassoles de la padrina, panc-roc i cresta)
Cristina (la veu femenina)
Marcel (el noiet que ens segueix a tot arreu i tira fotos)

Once upon a time...
In May of 2005, Daniel Guzmán, decided, with the help of his best friend, Edgar Mañas, that they would create a musical group in which Daniel would play the guitar and sing, and Edgar, who at the time was just learning to play, would be the bassist. After searching high and low they met Joanet Solé, a mini-Travis Barker that would become their drummer.
After playing together for several months they decided that they were still missing something, so in June of 2006, after hearing him play with another band, they recruited Eladi Sánchez to act as the lead guitarist. Crazy Evolution was finally complete.
As time passed, they started to play more and more concerts in their town and the surrounding areas. They participated in the Solsona Rock Festival last year with "No Way Out" and "Marky Ramone and Friends", as well as playing with "Secs Machine" and "Tsunami" in Cardona, a town near their own. On occasion they also sing with Cristina Guzmán, Daniel's sister, and by far the best voice of the band.
The last few months they have been working hard on their most recent record called "Welcome To Crazyland", and after completing the recording of the songs that will appear on the CD only a few more things need to be finalized before they get it out to the public.
Until then they will continue to play concerts and write songs so check the upcoming shows section and keep an eye out for their upcoming CD!!
Crazy Evolution is:
Daniel - vocals & guitar
Edgar - bass & vocals
Eladi - guitar & vocals
Joan - drums
Cristina - vocals

My Interests


Member Since: 2/3/2007
Band Website:
Band Members:
Influences: + 44, Allister, Antiflag, Avril Lavigne, blink-182, Bowling For Soup, Boxcar Racer, Dikers, Fall Out Boy, Fenix TX, Funeral For A Friend, Goldfinger, Good Charlotte, Green Day, Jimmy Eat World, Lagwagon, Mest, Millencollin, MXPX, My Chemical Romance, New Found Glory, NOFX, NoWayOut, Panic! At The Disco, Paramore, Pennywise, Relient K, Simple Plan, Social Distortion, Sugarcult, Sum 41, Sun Eats Hours, The Ataris, The Offspring, The Used, Treble Charger, Yellowcard, Zebrahead, Oasis, Blur, SKA-P, Mägo de Oz, Limp Bizkit, Helloween, ACDC, Iron Maiden, Metallica, Linkin Park, Hoobastank, The Beatles, Foo Fighters, Nirvana........
Sounds Like: Videos:


Crazy Evolution
Grabació Sam-n

Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Concerts & noves cançons!

Bones! Feie temps k no escrivíem res aki al myspace... Només volíem dir que estem component nous temes i tenim moltes ganes de que els pugueu sentir en un nou cd que esperem treure a l'hivern. De mome...
Posted by CRAZY EVOLUTION on Wed, 16 Apr 2008 03:40:00 PST