Summer Term, 1992
Form: Kindergarten Parallel
Justine is a cheerful and lively member of the form. She has made excellent progress in Kindergarten. She is extremely popular and socialises well with both peers and adults.
Justine's reading ability is well above average. As a result she reads with fluency and expression. She is able to offer opinions on the books being read, and to predict outcomes. She has an advanced vocabulary and is able to express herself, and explain meanings clearly. She always takes an active role in class discussions.
Justine's handwriting is mature. She is able to write two or three sentences herself using a word book. At times, however, she can be easily distracted or decide to stop work before a task is completed. She nees to try to extend her attention span.
Justine shows a sound knowledge of number, she can manipulate numbers to twenty and record formally.
In all areas of work Justine takes great care, and derives pride from her achievements. In art she has a good eye for detail, with pictures being quite meticulous. In P.E. she shows good co-ordination and balance. Justine displays an active imagination in drama activities.
Justine has had an excellent first year in Rose Court.
Form teacher: R.C. Scholey
Head of Rose Court: A.L. Pickering
No. of days absent: 2