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I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.

About Me

My Interests

Music, movies, books. Thinking about meaning of everything.


Industrial, Aggrotech, Industrial Black Metal, Post-Black Metal, Avantgarde, Electronica, Dark Ambient, Noise, Alternative Rock, Trip-Hop, Classical, Soundtracks, Neofolk.


Movies by David Lynch. Movies with Johnny Depp. Pulp Fiction, The Matrix, American Beauty, Donnie Darko, The Last Boy Scout, ... Twin Peaks series, The Simpsons series, Red Dwarf series, South Park series.


I don't watch TV.


Clive Barker, Douglas Adams, George Orwell's 1984, religious and philosophical books.


Nivek Ogre, Attila Csihar and Johnny Depp as the most charismatic artists. Agent Cooper from Twin Peaks as the most charismatic movie/series character. Dave Hunt as the singer with the most wicked voice. Dwayne Goettel as the biggest loss in music industry.

My Blog

My first attempts with Fruity Loops (last update: 02.03.2007)

So I installed Fruity Loops yesterday and this is what I could call 'my first song'. Keep in mind that I'm total newbie in making music, I never used any music making software before. Any feedback is ...
Posted by necrotising_ on Sat, 17 Feb 2007 06:32:00 PST