"These are a few of my favourite things":PLACE - ::budapest::barcelona::new york::tel aviv::amsterdam::london::vegas::STYLE - ::minimal::modern::avantgarde::pret-a-porte::eclectic::art deco::pre-historic::TO DO - ::traveling::brain storming::theatre::design::hanging out::silver screen::photography::television::fashion::languages::organiz ing::teamwork::or not::shooting::
my_aims_1.0:Meet a friend along the canals of Amsterdam. Run into someone I know at a pub in Dublin. Pay at Starbucks in Vienna and see someone I know in the mirror opposite the barrister. Meet a buddy while jogging at Hyde Park. Wink to a friend at Times Square while I am busy using my cell phone. Lend a couple of euro cents to a person at Placa Catalunya who is buying seeds for the pigeons.N-E-T-W-O-R-K-I-N-G-_________ I find it important to have connections around the world. Business or holiday it doesnt matter!
from A to Z (more or less)PAULINA RUBIO - Ni Una Sola Palabra
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Meryl Streep::Jude Law::Juliane Moore::Robbin Williams::and so on::
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Since I am quite an insider in the television industry I like to watch them all. No matter if I like it or not, I want to learn new ways of television programs.::reality::comedy::sit com::drama::news::some political programs::quiz shows::etc::I am an editor of a fashion programe.http://www.mtv.hu/videotar/?id=2567
Travel books"Válaszd a tudást" (Choose knowledge, check it from 1:09:00).. StÃlus (Style, editor/reporter) For more StÃlus videos go to: http://www.mtv.hu/videotar/?id=2567
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