going to the beach, reading books on the Satanic occult, movies, porn, t.v, videogames, computer, Black Metal & Death metal, menthol cigaretts,chicks,stand up comedy,Scandinavia,hockey,history,corpses,money,listening to music and working out
SatanSpace.com - Evil, Satanic, and Horror pictures
Evil, Satanic, and Horror pictures
ANY FUCKIN BLACK METAL BAND MEMBER FROM ANY BAND,MMA fighter, anyone as who has same interests as me, a black or death metal head, another Satanist,Pazuzu,Humwawa,Azag-thoth,Lucifuge Rofocale,Naamah and all the forces that will bring forth the wrathful chaos
Redrum 781(SSF),Malfeitor,Glorior Belli,Funeral Mist,The Black,HellHammer,Carpathian Forest,Enthroned,Taake,Asesino,1349,Nirvana,Vader,Kiss,Watai
n,The Berzerker,Alien Vampires,Belphegor,Anorexia Nervosa,DARK FUNERAL,Sadistic Grimness,Slayer,Behemoth,Aborym,Dawn,NightRage,Necrophobic,L
ord Belial,Enslaved, Emperor, DIMMU BORGIR, Satanized,GORGOROTH, Mayhem, Blood Throne,Dark throne,DISSECTION,Temple of Baal,Static-X,Old man's child,Rotting Christ,Death Stars,Urgehal,Ancient,Ragnarok,Vulture Lord,Immortal,DØdheimsgard,Fall Ov Serafim,Marduk,Nifelheim
,Samael,Tsjuder,Broknagar,Old Mans Child,SATYRICON,Marilyn Manson,......Fuck it if your a Scandinavian band or death/black metal SATANIC band then your OK
PATHFINDER, any horror, comedy, and action movies I'll watch
Evil, Satanic, and Horror pictures
Anything that draws my attention
PORNOGRAPHY,and Occult books
darkness,chaos,death and pure evil