[ USBMS sect] lobo Diabolico profile picture

[ USBMS sect] lobo Diabolico

My rage, my pride, my selfish ways, they give me form & substance my anger only serves to feed m

About Me

I like mixed martial arts,cage fighting,the purest of Satanic Black metal,death metal and old school thrash,especially that of Scandinavian & European style bands.I also appreciate music that taps into your inner being which you can feel such as old Nordic melodies,tantric music of spiritual power dedicated to Asuras or devas and so forth. I collect left-hand path grimores & necklaces[you can see just SOME OF the PENDANTS on my pics. section] I also study that in the world of the occult, I'm not a people person SO FUCK YOU IF YOU TRY ADDING ME IF YOU GOT NOTHING IN COMMON WITH ME. I'm proud supporter of church burnings,school/campus shootings,antichristianity, & human misanthropy.... the list goes on and on. Plz don't message me about my personal philosiphies as you can see MY PAGE CAN KIND OF TELL YOU WHERE AND WHAT ORDER I ALIGN THEM WITH.

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My Interests

going to the beach, reading books on the Satanic occult, movies, porn, t.v, videogames, computer, Black Metal & Death metal, menthol cigaretts,chicks,stand up comedy,Scandinavia,hockey,history,corpses,money,listening to music and working out
SatanSpace.com - Evil, Satanic, and Horror pictures
Evil, Satanic, and Horror pictures

I'd like to meet:

ANY FUCKIN BLACK METAL BAND MEMBER FROM ANY BAND,MMA fighter, anyone as who has same interests as me, a black or death metal head, another Satanist,Pazuzu,Humwawa,Azag-thoth,Lucifuge Rofocale,Naamah and all the forces that will bring forth the wrathful chaos


Redrum 781(SSF),Malfeitor,Glorior Belli,Funeral Mist,The Black,HellHammer,Carpathian Forest,Enthroned,Taake,Asesino,1349,Nirvana,Vader,Kiss,Watai n,The Berzerker,Alien Vampires,Belphegor,Anorexia Nervosa,DARK FUNERAL,Sadistic Grimness,Slayer,Behemoth,Aborym,Dawn,NightRage,Necrophobic,L ord Belial,Enslaved, Emperor, DIMMU BORGIR, Satanized,GORGOROTH, Mayhem, Blood Throne,Dark throne,DISSECTION,Temple of Baal,Static-X,Old man's child,Rotting Christ,Death Stars,Urgehal,Ancient,Ragnarok,Vulture Lord,Immortal,DØdheimsgard,Fall Ov Serafim,Marduk,Nifelheim ,Samael,Tsjuder,Broknagar,Old Mans Child,SATYRICON,Marilyn Manson,......Fuck it if your a Scandinavian band or death/black metal SATANIC band then your OK


PATHFINDER, any horror, comedy, and action movies I'll watch
Evil, Satanic, and Horror pictures


Anything that draws my attention


PORNOGRAPHY,and Occult books


darkness,chaos,death and pure evil

My Blog

Maha Kali -The dark Mother

Kali is a Hindu Goddess (DON'T GET HER CONFUSED WITH THE ASURA KALI, WHICH IS THE REIGNING LORD OF KALI YUGA) who represents the dissolution of time-space into its timeless origin. She sits upon the c...
Posted by [ USBMS sect] lobo Diabolico on Sat, 26 Jan 2008 12:47:00 PST

Check out the interview with FROST from Quebec,Canada

YOU CAN ADD THE SOLO PROJECT AT http://www.myspace.com/frostlordscrotum   1)How long has Frost been involved in the black metal scene?Frost has been involved in the scene since the month July 20...
Posted by [ USBMS sect] lobo Diabolico on Sun, 25 Nov 2007 09:45:00 PST

My Interview with the Norwegian band Wrath Passion

1) There is talk about the upcoming release of your album Careful Saint, can you explain to us through what record label it will be released through, and how many tracks?The cd have 6 tracks and a sho...
Posted by [ USBMS sect] lobo Diabolico on Wed, 14 Nov 2007 03:00:00 PST

Set: lord of the southern black sun & Desert

Set (Seth, Setekh, Sut, Sutekh, Suty) was one of ancient Egypt's earliest gods, a god of chaos, confusion, storms, wind, the desert and foreign lands. In the Osiris legends, he was a contender to the ...
Posted by [ USBMS sect] lobo Diabolico on Tue, 04 Sep 2007 09:41:00 PST