Saving women and children from sinking cruise liners apart from sundays when I throw bacon rinds at old people.
Chuck Norris, I'd ask him to tell the tale of how one day, as a child, his English teacher asked him and the class to write an essay with the title, "What is courage?" Apparently Chuck got an A+ for handing in a blank piece of paper with a photo attatched of himself, crouched and ready to attack.
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Mighty Boosh, Alan Partridge, Baywatch, Match of the Day, Nathan Barley, Brass Eye, Peep Show, Planet Earth.
Irvine Welshs' Filth, Acid House and Trainspotting obviously, George Orwells 1984, All Ian Flemmings' James Bond, David Benioffs' 25th Hour, Hunter S. Thompsons' Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Hells Angels, Fear and Loathing on the campaign trail '72, The Rum Diaries, Kingdom of Fear and The Proud Highway, Jack Kerouacs' On The Road,