I became very interested in the paranormal after having many unexplainable events unfold in my own life, and now I am searching for answers to some of life's greatest mysteries.In high school, I took a tour of Helen's Bridge and Zealandia with local author, Joshua P. Warren. That night, I ended up meeting Chris, a mysterious stranger, with whom I felt an instant attraction and an uncanny feeling of deja vu. Just because I happened to be in the right place at the right time, I was invited to a party, which would be held a week later. I decided to go at the last minute, and my stranger appeared once more at this event.At this party, we spent most of the evening together, and he ended up giving me a mysterious ring. After that night, each time I put the ring on and went somewhere, he showed up. At first I wrote it off as only a “coincidenceâ€, but after the third time it occured, I began to question it to no avail. I noticed that it only happened when I had the ring with me, and if I didn’t have it, he was never around.
Taking the advice of a psychology teacher at my school, I ended up contacting Joshua Warren and explained this perplexing mystery to him. After checking out the ring using some of his equipment, and finding that it did indeed have an unexplained energy resonating from it, he was unable to conclude what the reason was. I was still left with no answer for these baffling occurrences, and eventually lost the ring, and with it, contact with my stranger.Five years later while cleaning, I came across the missing ring. I had to go to Wal-mart later that same night to get a few cleaning supplies, and I ran into his best friend who told me that Chris had been looking for me. As it turns out, he had joined the military right after the ring disappeared from my life and had been stationed in Germany ever since.I found it perplexing that I hadn't seen him for so many years, and that the same night I found his ring again, I ran into his friend. I took the contact information for Chris that his friend offered, and I wrote to him in Germany. This led to us keeping in touch by phone and email for a while before he was shipped off to the war in Iraq, and we end up losing contact once again.I was contacted by Chris again in Dec 2003, when he had to return to the states on emergency leave, and almost seven years after our first meeting.... we end up getting married! How is that for strange?
I moved to Germany with Chris while he finished his tour overseas, and our son, Daniel, was born in Bretten in September of 2004. We did a lot of traveling and we were able to see a lot of castles before we left Germany.
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After some difficulties with the Army, Chris got out after 8 years of service and we returned to the states. We ended up back here in Asheville where I finally met up with Joshua once more and began to do tours for his Haunted Asheville Ghost Tour.
Due to a multitude of “coincidencesâ€, everything has come full circle, and I am now working with the one who sparked my passion in the paranormal and led me to my soul mate.
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