The Talented Mrs. Thompson profile picture

The Talented Mrs. Thompson

I am the owl and the early bird. Therefore I am wise and I have worms. -Michael Scott

About Me

I'm a happily married stay at home mom with an awesome five year old boy, a smart and stubborn one year old baby boy and a baby girl due March 31st!. I will some day own my own restaurant somewhere in Michigan and make oodles of money. We strive to be the 'cool' parents. Like letting Logan have a mohawk-so cute. I have an attitude problem, or some say. But really, I just tell it like it is. I'm really a nice person. Just don't be an idiot and we'll be cool. I love my family and actually get along with my husband, imagine that. I have doubts about what others believe in. But so long as you don't push your shit on me, I won't question what you believe in. I love life, I hate living in the south. No offense. My oldest son asks questions like 'whats in my testicles' and I don't know how to answer him. I love my kids, but other kids annoy me. Sorry. Logan wants tattoos like his Daddys, only fake cause he doesn't like needles. I flippin love tattoos. Sexy. Thats all for now. More to come...
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My Interests

Cooking, crafting, nature, family and friends, making fun of people,good movies, saving animals from dumb hicks in Kentucky, spending money I don't have. Brody's chunky legs!!!


Blind Melon, Rusted Root, Bela Fleck(side note, my friend chris says there is a little accent thingy over the e but i dont know how to do that so he can just bite my ass), Phish, Sonic Youth, Killers, NIN, good hip hop and some rap. Older Outkast, Dead Prez, Pharsyde. Gotta mention the NKOTB(I love you Joey). Ambient trippy stuff, ghetto booty bouncing shit once in a while. Guns N Roses and most 80's hair bands(thanks to Timmie). Fuck, Tool of course! Lots more. I like anything but teeny bop bubble gum shit and holy rollin jesus music.


LOVE MOVIES!!! Favorites right now... Donnie Darko, Garden State, I Heart Huckabees, The Life Aquatic, Love Song for Bobby Long, House of 1000 corpses and Devils Rejects. Boondock Saints, Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, Snatch, Layer Cake. Tim Burton anything. Then there are the clasics like Clerks and Dazed and Confused. Legend, Labrynth, Drop Dead Fred. We dig the non-mainstream shit. Independant films and low budget shit. Asian cinema, martial arts films, B movies(Troma films)... My dorky husband and four year old LOVE LOVE LOVE Star Wars. I have to admit that I like to watch the movies as well, but I'm not obsessed like them! Logan actually collects the figurines(not toys) and our cell phone has the Mose Isleys cantina song as the ring tone! Dorks!


I'm chainging this part cause I want to. I still watch Discovery and TLC, but now I'm obsessed with The Office and My Name Is Earl. Jason Lee is flippin sweet(and no, we did not name our son after his charater in Mall Rats), but Logan is named after Wolverine, kinda. Wow, that was off subject. I watch Food Network like all day as well. I don't like sit and stare at it, but it's always on in the back ground. I love me some Rachel Ray and I drool over tyler Florence, I'd like to get in the kitchen with him


I'm not usually a reader, unless someone tells me the book was awesome. I loved the Harry Potter books. I read cook books like novels though.


My Mama for being a strong single mother of two my whole life. She raised us well and gave us more love than humanly possible. I hope some day my kids will love me as much as my brother and I love her.

My Blog

The Story of Nico

Sorry it took so long everyone!  But here is Nico's story and a few pictures!We woke up Wednseday as a family of four and decided to make a day out of walking around and having fun.  We star...
Posted by Mandy on Tue, 03 Apr 2007 08:34:00 PST

Oh yeah, I forgot

While walking at the mall to try and get the baby to come out, I had THREE different people in three different stores ask if I was having twins!  Ugh, now I do get that question a lot, and actual...
Posted by Mandy on Wed, 28 Mar 2007 05:30:00 PST


We had our check up today!  39 weeks and three days, and she is FINALLY in position!  Oh my gosh!  I didn't think she was because of bumps I was feeling, but one of those bumps were her...
Posted by Mandy on Tue, 27 Mar 2007 03:24:00 PST

Good-ish News!!!

Well, we just got home from our ultrasound and check up.  Although lil Miss stubborn is not in position, she did move!  She did a half summersault!!  So, she is completely opposite of h...
Posted by Mandy on Tue, 20 Mar 2007 09:23:00 PST

Being a Mom...

I copied this from my great friend, Deanna.  She found it on an online discussion group.  It is beautiful and so touching you will cry, even if you aren't a Mom yet.Love,MandyBeing a MOM... ...
Posted by Mandy on Sun, 18 Mar 2007 07:30:00 PST

37 weeks, 4 days

We had our ultrasound and check up appointments yesterday.  Good news is that we got to see the baby again and it was awesome.  She has lots of hair that was flowing in the water, she was gi...
Posted by Mandy on Wed, 14 Mar 2007 08:30:00 PST

transverse lie and a c-section

Today I had my OB check up.  I am 36 weeks and three days today.  I was happy to see that I had only gained one pound(with in two weeks) this time!  I was really packin it on for a whil...
Posted by Mandy on Wed, 07 Mar 2007 05:31:00 PST

Valentine's Day

Ahhhhh, sigh, hmmmmm.  Even though I was without my husband all day, he still managed to make my day wonderful.  We were both kind of bummed that Valentine's Day fell on a Wednsday this year...
Posted by Mandy on Thu, 15 Feb 2007 07:34:00 PST

A OK!!

Hey everyone!  Well, we are home and all went well!  Sorry I didn't get back to some of you yesterday, but it was a hectic day.We had to be at the hospital at 6am and surgery was set for 7:3...
Posted by Mandy on Fri, 09 Feb 2007 06:14:00 PST

Brody's surgery...

Brody will be having surgery this Thursday, February 8th.  We will arrive at the hospital at 6am, and his surgery is set for 7:30am.It is a 'simple' out patient surgery and we will be home later ...
Posted by Mandy on Wed, 07 Feb 2007 04:51:00 PST