Cooking, crafting, nature, family and friends, making fun of people,good movies, saving animals from dumb hicks in Kentucky, spending money I don't have. Brody's chunky legs!!!
Blind Melon, Rusted Root, Bela Fleck(side note, my friend chris says there is a little accent thingy over the e but i dont know how to do that so he can just bite my ass), Phish, Sonic Youth, Killers, NIN, good hip hop and some rap. Older Outkast, Dead Prez, Pharsyde. Gotta mention the NKOTB(I love you Joey). Ambient trippy stuff, ghetto booty bouncing shit once in a while. Guns N Roses and most 80's hair bands(thanks to Timmie). Fuck, Tool of course! Lots more. I like anything but teeny bop bubble gum shit and holy rollin jesus music.
LOVE MOVIES!!! Favorites right now... Donnie Darko, Garden State, I Heart Huckabees, The Life Aquatic, Love Song for Bobby Long, House of 1000 corpses and Devils Rejects. Boondock Saints, Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, Snatch, Layer Cake. Tim Burton anything. Then there are the clasics like Clerks and Dazed and Confused. Legend, Labrynth, Drop Dead Fred. We dig the non-mainstream shit. Independant films and low budget shit. Asian cinema, martial arts films, B movies(Troma films)... My dorky husband and four year old LOVE LOVE LOVE Star Wars. I have to admit that I like to watch the movies as well, but I'm not obsessed like them! Logan actually collects the figurines(not toys) and our cell phone has the Mose Isleys cantina song as the ring tone! Dorks!
I'm chainging this part cause I want to. I still watch Discovery and TLC, but now I'm obsessed with The Office and My Name Is Earl. Jason Lee is flippin sweet(and no, we did not name our son after his charater in Mall Rats), but Logan is named after Wolverine, kinda. Wow, that was off subject. I watch Food Network like all day as well. I don't like sit and stare at it, but it's always on in the back ground. I love me some Rachel Ray and I drool over tyler Florence, I'd like to get in the kitchen with him
I'm not usually a reader, unless someone tells me the book was awesome. I loved the Harry Potter books. I read cook books like novels though.
My Mama for being a strong single mother of two my whole life. She raised us well and gave us more love than humanly possible. I hope some day my kids will love me as much as my brother and I love her.