Being who I am, making music with other musicians, learning, family, my friendship with God, friends. I like trying new things and having new experiences and meeting new people. That's always exciting. I'm interested in helping people to become better [Christian] people. I don't know...enjoying however much life God has given me
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Real, Christian friends who can help my along in my Christian walk.
Musicians/music producers/engineers/singers/Et Cetera
Missionaries who are giving up EVERYTHING to witness... You guys are the greatest!
Tom... You're the best!
Kirk Franklin... for real, he's a genious!Oh, I almost forgot... musicians, music producers, music engineers and singers.
The Message
Seriously tho... If you read this you will know da truth and then it will be on YOU to respond.
Why does everyone have some sense of moral responsibility built into them? Why everyone calls out "Oh my God" or even calls Jesus' name (even if it's profanely).
That is because we were born with a inward knowledge of God. He put that there so you would desire to know/believe in Him.
We wonder why the world is dangerous and so much is messed up. That's because God doesn't force us to do anything! We've had our way with the world and with our own lives. We've got it the way we want it.... No one can tell us what to do because we're our OWN boss. Right... we've done a good job of that so far eh?
You've probably heard this before but we've lived our lives like we want and not the way God wants us to.
Now God is perfect and because we haven't lived up to His standard (absolute obedience), He needs to judge us for our wrong. The only suitable punishment is death! That's right, me and you have to die to repay God!
Think about the word forever....... Should we risk ignoring the truth because we think we're smart enough to know it's just a lie from the Christians??
So, about this whole Jesus thing... The reason He died was to take the responsibility of being responsible off of us!! So, you wonder what the point of salvation is?? It's simply letting Jesus take the punishment instead of us.
He's already taken the punishment. He's suffered and died for US! So, will you let Jesus take YOUR punishment??
Other than your life, what more could you possibly lose??
I would encourage you to at the very least, talk to someone or find out for yourself what you believe. What risk are you willing to take?
New Hope!! Baptist Church
3550 Morgan Ford Rd.
St. Louis Mo, 63116
(314) 664-6603
A few of my favorite artists (or just singles)
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Not your average boredom survey!! Odd, fun questions!!
Which Disney hero/heroine do you think is the most like you, and why?: I'd have to give that some thought.
Which Disney villain do you think is the most like you, and why?: ^ See above^
What's the stupidest book you've ever read of your own choice?: Some Dr. Seuss book
Have you ever written a corny fanfiction?: Nope
What kind of guys/girls are you attracted to?: Not enough space here....
No. Really. What kind of guys/girls are you attracted to?: Ok, a worthless discription would be: Someone who loves God, practical, leadable, friendly, physically attractive (to me), and loves me!
Are you ever sarcastic?: No
Did you answer that with a sarcastic "no?": No
What about that time?: Yes
Describe your ideal life 20 years from now.: Probably married and done with having kids (LOL), and working as a musician for my church. Oh and being the baddest keboardest around.
Are you a virgin?: Yes
If not, how did u lose your virginity? If so, when do u plan to lose it?: Some short time after I'm married. haha
Do you consider yourself sexy?: eh, not really
Here's your chance to rant about religion, God, angels, the afterlife, etc.: People hate/dislike Christians because they force God on people. God doesn't force them to believe and accept him and neither will I. I will only want them aware of the truth.
Do you know what happens when you mix cornstarch and water?: Yes
What is your favorite nut?: Cashews, Pistachios and Peanuts (now I want some)
How do you feel about plastic spoons?: Well, it's hard to clean grease off of them and they're disposable... what else?
Introvert or extrovert?: Probably more extrovert but a mixture of both
Straight, gay, or bisexual?: Wow... ---------------------- that line
Do you have anything against gays or bisexuals?: No.. why?
Do you have/want any tatoos?: Maybe
If so, what?: Well, if I decide then I'll make a design
Do you have/want any piercings?: I thought about it. I might
If so, what?: Ear
Have you ever/do you want to dye your hair?: Nope
If so, what color?:
Close your eyes, turn around, and open them again. What do you see?: I'm not going to do that cause I can just tell you. There's a giant window with an orange curtain over it.
Close yur eyes and randomly fling a hand. What's the first thing u touch?: There's nothing to touch but the love seat
Is the glass half empty or half full?: Depends on if you're filling it or emptying it.
Do you think inside the box, or outside the box?: Depends on the situation
Let's finish up with some word association.: If we have to.
Porn.: controlling
Angel.: fallen
Bench.: bi*** (I know....but that's what came to mind)
Newspaper.: I don't read any
Wisdom.: is not easy to come by
Michael Jackson.: Needs salvation
Pendulum.: I'm already sleepy
Pink.: I'll wear that color soon
Log.: on
Bambi.: animal
End.: I'm leaving to watch INUYASHA!
Take this survey
24 & Prison Break
& Cartoons sometimes
I know, I need to read more....
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Jesus... "You saved the day. You saved..."
My GOD... and you don't know how serious I am
My parents and Grand
Anyone who influences me for the better. That means YOU could be my hero too!
Missionaries for sure