Sci-fi, muscles, attitude, steak, dragons, gore and this old ULTRA-VIOLENCE! Please, schock and reach people by work. Electronics. Self-Education. Consistency. From the HEART sublime MASTERPIECES.Troubling spontaneity. Absurd Humour. Intensity. Honoring human DIGNITY by following RULES OF ART in day-to-day actions. Gratuitous Humour. Pointless profanities and badassness. Accomplishments, Success and Glory.
Music :
Between the Buried and Me, Norma Jean, Genghis Tron, Cult of Luna, A Life Once Lost, Daugther, Roi Heenok, Emmurre, Psyopus, Trunk 25
En gros, si t'aime le métal progressif, pis le gros rap sal j'te fourre.
People who doesn't like hockey.
Somebody who overwhelms my physiological range or conception.
People with an insane thirst of ambition and success.
People down to earth that doesn't have that need to impress everybody.
Rather than to harvest the glance, people who seek for deeply troubling and wreak prosperity of their visions.