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I am here for Friends

About Me

I love to spend time with those special to me. I'm an optimist at heart, I hope to make a difference in people's lives. I believe that someday, through God's way, we will learn to accept each other's differences and stop the injustices in our society.. I realized that, life is too short to wake up every morning with regrets.. So, love the people who treat you right, forget about the ones who don't and believe that everything happens for a reason... Know a good thing when you see it and don't let it slip away.. If you get a chance, take it... If it changes your life.. let it be. Nobody said it would be easy, but they said it would be worth it...Life has its funny way of showing me things... just when I think I've got the perfect thing, when I've finally summoned the courage to believe that one thing called love really exists... I find things crumbling right before my very eyes. And I'm here, staring it right in the eye... not knowing what to do.. not even knowing what went wrong, where, when, how? One thing's for sure... amidst the failure and pain, there is but one thought that should be in mind... when there isn't much to look forward to, when nothing seem to mean much... WHEN ALL HAS LEFT... I have ME! Life is indeed what you make it... and mine is the power to believe that the greatest gift... is the life I live...I was badly hurt, but I grew. And in growing, I came to know who I am, what I am capable of, what I search for and to a certain degree, I am beginning to follow the trail to the right path. Life is never rational, we give and sometimes we get nothing in return... but then again, it is in giving that we become whole. Even if there is pain right now, I don't let it take away the essence of who I am.

My Interests

Photography, Video Editing, Watching Movies, Cooking, Driving Around and Shopping!

I'd like to meet:

There is always a certain thing that I remember with each person I encounter... I believe in the saying that.. "NO TWO PEOPLE CROSS EACH OTHER'S PATH WITHOUT GOD'S PURPOSE"... because as soon as we locked eyes on someone, God planned it..... right? It may do you good, it may do you bad... sometimes we see right away the purpose why we met a certain person.. but there are times that you can't really see it until the person is gone.. yeah, its sad when you think about it... specially when you shared good times together... hmmm, but look deep inside you... feel it... then look at the bright side.. and you'll see there are lesson learned..... and that would make you a better person....


I have a diverse range when it comes to music.


Serendipity, You've Got Mail, Love Actually, 50 First Dates, White Chicks, Something's Gotta Give, The Prince and Me, Cinderella Story, The Notebook


Desperate Housewives


Memoirs of a Geisha, The Purpose Driven Life, Life of Pi, Archie Comics


My Parents