Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor
Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor
Jan Saudek- Czech Fotografo... i miei lavori fotografici... tutto scattato usando la pellicola... viva la pellicola!!! my foto work is... all shot using film...dreamscapes... inizio di nuovi progetti.................................................... ............................................................ ...... una parte di un lavoro vecchio che stavo facendo su i poster, manifesti, graffiti di strada... some old foto poster street work... un lavoro di violeta (smile)... trastevere... 2004smile... sorride... bansky... very talented london street artist!
all images on this page copyright of the original artist. quale vedete...? le freccie che puntano giu'? o su'?........................................................ ................. which do you see...? the arrows that point up? or down?... milano tatto convention.................................................. portrait work... ritrattisocial interaction...
arrgh... too too much... troppo...
.... The Trial- Orson Welles/ The Last Unicorn-Peter S. Beagle '82/ The Dark Crystal- Jim Henson/ The Never Ending Story/ The Goonies/
Say NO to Superman... Join us on the anti- supermanic crusade... debolishing any long held delusions about the distinguished mr clark kent aka superman,lamest superhero on the block. Tear down the Justice League... Aim for anarchy... The justice league will fall, let the dark knights of the comic underworld take hold... everyone decent has a dark past... where will you find yours?
Gibrhan, Hesse, Lawrence (D.H), Poe, Huxley, Mishima, Orwell, Eliot, Vonnegut,Jung, Tolstoy, Eco, LeGuinn, Foucault, Dostoyevsky,Zola, Blighton, I Fratelli Grimm, troppi, troppi, troppi...comics: "30 days of night" (written by steve niles, illustrated by ben templesmith)"Sandman presents: Dead Boy Detectives" mini series of neil gaiman's characters (written by ed brubaker, penciller bryan talbot) "Powers"/ check out "Who Killed Retro Girl" (illustrated by brian michael bendis, written by michael avon oeming) "Bastard Samurai" (written and illustrated by michael avon oeming, with help from some others)
purple posse- 93 TO INFINITY!