RASSHADY - Musically InclinedRasShady, is one of the most competent young deejaysworking on the International Music scene. He may be young in age, at 28,but he is a veteran artiste, having started mashing up stage shows fromthe age of TEN.During those early days, "RASSHADY", went on to record quite afew songs. The first of which is titled, " ( Chicago Bulls )", which wasreleased in 1991 on the Prof Record Label. He followed up his firstrelease with another single titled, ( "I Spy" ), which was also released onthe Prof Record Label.On the strength of these two singles "RASSHADY" began to garner somerecognition as a qualified artiste. So much so, that ace deejay, NinjaMan, having taken note of his talent and decided to take him under hiswings which saw him earning the opportunity to perform at ( Border Clash )before a huge audience in 1992, in which RASSHADY was called up onstage by Gun teeth, Gold teeth Ninja Man.In the early ’90s ( "Border Clash" ), was a premier calendar event thatshowcased the best talents in the parishes of Kingston and St. Catherine.Of course, this was the beginning of stardom for "RASSHADY."Immediately after his ’92, "Border Clash" performance he was booked byIsiah Laing to appear on, "STING" that same year."The following year, (1993), "RASSHADY", met veteranproducer, ( Tappa Zoukie Sinclair ), who expressed the desire to work withhim and assist him in building his career. The first single, "Tappa",released for him is titled, ( "Done Wid De War." ) It was released that sameyear, along with ( "Nah Get Nuh Ratings." ) The popularity of, "Nah Get NuhRatings", inspired Ronnie Burke, the then C.E.O., of the now defunct,Synergy Productions, to book him for an appearance on "REGGAE SUNSPLASH’93." On that historic occasion he ended up performing in a ’clash’situation with, "ANTHONY B" (who was then also an upcoming artistes).That same year he also performed at REGGAE SUMFEST. His first overseasshow was in Grand Cayman in 1994.ALLFRUITSLIVINGARK RECORDS ENT. heads, MR. CRAIG STEWART, MR. DANIEL BAIRD, MR. RONALD BEARD, heard andsaw RASSHADY’S talent. He began to travelextensively and after performing at an event in New York, a gentlemancame and told him that the late Biggy Small wants to have a word withhim, Biggy lamented about his talent and potential. He also stated thathe will be having his own record company soon to be called Junior Mafiaand wanted him to be one of his first artistes to team up with hisproduction. This same year they performed together at Sting. But it didnot materialized because of BIGGIE SMALL death.RASSHADY, Soon after met Dougie Fresh once more, whose pathwas cross during his time with Biggy Small, they did a song togethercalled "NUTTY BUDDY"on Timezone Records which was distributed by VPRecords, ( Strictly the best vol.. 2), which did well overseas, so muchthat he and Dougie Fresh performed at the Apollo in New York. There hemet the presenter of the Soul Train Awards who requested theirperformance on that show. RASSHADY, was now sparring with the richand famous. He was introduced to Tommy Hilfiger and became the firstartiste from Jamaica and the Caribbean to model his couture.In the ever evolving international recording and entertainment firmamenttrends change rapidly and in the beginning of the new millennium hebecame a father, ease off the scene, relaxing and helping to raise histhree kids. Now this son of the sunshine city is back biggerand better and has now been signed to ALLFRUITSLIVIVINGARK RECORDS ENT, which are based in eastern Kingston and Canada respectively,His Latest singles are ( "RUN IT", BLESS , KNOCK IT ,LOOK AT THE PEOPLE and FUN TIME ), which are creating waves on the localdancehall circuit and International market, and are now in stores, You can expect great things fromRASSHADY for the coming years,Rasshady can be contacted for Collobarations with other artist, AlbumDeals, Movie Deals,Dub Plates, Jingles or Drops, Advertisement, StageShows,Modeling, or any business in the entertainment field at my emailaddressesemail:rasshady77@yahoo.com, or rasshady@gmail.comBLESSED LOVE TO ALL...
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