Maria profile picture


why is all the rum gone??

About Me

Get your layout at I am a mother of three boys.(I grew up real fast. That sucked, but my kids seriously rock...) but of course cause "I rock" I am a full time college student...but work part time @ cd's 4 change... I don't think I am meant for this life, I was meant for a different time and place, but that's just not how it goes right. oh yeah and I'm a that in itself should explain a lot. I'm a emotional roller coaster, loving+forgiving,motherly to all, and crazy as all hell. I'm Just Not Like Other people...
I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V3.6 !
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Your Homicidal Rampage! by crash_and_burn
Your name:
Weapon of Choice: A broomstick
Your Favorite Target: Pornstars
Your Kill Count: 716,645,054
Your Battle Cry: "My kidneys tingle with pleasure!"
Years You Spend in Jail: 34
How Much Money In Damages You Cause: $63,142,471,142,952
Your Homocidal Insanity Level: 37%

My Interests

I love playing Video Games, Magic the gathering... Risk... watching movies, playing card games,,, going to parks ( I LUV hide and seek at 25 is so much more fun, than when i was a kid.) Tag is too... um oh yeah, and playing the drums. love going for walks with my three boys... or playing I spy :P oh and Drunken conversation...I love Laughing. Being Me.. Your results:
You are Supergirl Supergirl 100% Wonder Woman 95% Spider-Man 95% Catwoman 90% Batman 80% Green Lantern 75% Hulk 75% Robin 70% The Flash 70% Iron Man 70% Superman 65% Lean, muscular and feminine.
Honest and a defender of the innocent.
Click here to take the Superhero Personality Quiz

I'd like to meet:

Werewolf - Evil or Not?

What type of evil being are you inside?
brought to you by Quizilla
Your angel is trying to tell you're
utterly depressed. Right down to the bone. Your
outlook on life is bleak and pessimistic. You
tend to be anti-social and apathetic, but you
do have a few friends. Sometimes, you get
suicidal and may have been known to hurt
yourself physically. You think that no one
understands you, and they probably don't
because you don't give them a chance to
understand you!
Song: One Step Closer- Linkin Park ..src=""
height=35 width=200 c..TRUE
autoplay=TRUE loop=TRUE

What is your angel trying to tell you?!?!? _-=Great pics=-_
brought to you by Quizilla people that don't suck. I guess I want to meet people like me... people that are unique. Take the quiz:
what fucked up cartoon r u?

invader zim
u are zim of invader zim((duh)) u want to rule the wooorrlldd, muahaaa

Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!


Some bands I love... not all but a few... TOOL,40 Bellow Summer,The Faint, Motograter, Bright eyes, Dry Cell, Orgy, Static X, The postal service, The Gufs, Otep, mushroomhead, garbage, Primmer 55, Nirvana, NIN, American head charge, Nirvana, Cradle of filth ( Danny has a great movie out too!) jimmy eat world, placebo, Gorillaz,Adema, the killers, crossfade, Atom and his Package, cold, the monkees, cake, Sevendust, Killswitch Engage, Tom petty, Lamb Of God,Type O Negative, soil.... The Doors,Bush, T.a.t.u...... Marilyn Manson.... umm hmm wow their are so many... oh Ozzy, and black sabbath for sure!can't list them all, but yeah,, lots. there is so much I don't list because it takes so long to type... but I give credit to soooo many bands for their work and serious effort they put into being in a band....
.............sad........ You are a sad anime girl,
alot must have happened in ur life to make this
way, but ppl try to comfort u but it doesn't
work,you probably have experieced a great lose

What kind of anime girl are you?
brought to you by Quizilla


I love the movie, Empire records..... Around the fire, Lady and the tramp, all the X-Men movies.The Labryth...(probably spelled that one wrong) Mad love, clockwork orange, Donnie Darko, strangeland, all care bears movies, All dbz movies, Full metal jacket, All Star Wars movies,, All Lord of the Rings..( the risk game is cool too!) The crow...but not the second one. X (great anime) oh and that one, ghost in a shell...Akira...really good one, it's hard to pick sides.!. oh and a comedy movie by EDDIE IZZARD~dressed to kill....realy funny shit! ummmm there is just too many to even put on here, so I'll just skip this part.


Stargate SG1.. and Stargate Atlantis,,, Supernatural, E.R. (I know lame) Smallville, family Guy and Futurama...oh and DBGT, or old DBZ, Teen Titans, Justice League...
Which Family Guy character are you?


All Star Wars, all Lord of the rings, Harry potter, and Go ask Alice. My hubby is trying to get me to read ' The wheel of time... So we'll see. You are the Love Goddess, or the Goddess of Lust, wah hoo!! You are a hopeless romantic and emotions are your passion. Love is number 1 on your list of things to do, and you sometimes forget to do anything else. You sometimes enjoy the power you have over men a little to much (me:note the sarcasum). Your precius power stone, is not a ruby but a, oh ya it is a ruby!! You share this power stone with the Fire Goddess because you guys are twins, passion and fire goes hand in hand. Your colors are pink, red, and white. Your metal is Gold. And the animal that you can transform into is a dove. What kind of goddess are you(for gurls *obviously* with awsome pics and detailed results!!) brought to you by Quizilla


My Mother... and !Drew Barrymore....... she's amazing, beautiful, hot, sexy, funny, seriously crazy, lives in a fairy tale world, is klutzy but cool.... everything I wish I was... god I LOVE HER! OR Jesus or Mohammad of course... And GOOD Parents... and last but not least.. those old couples that have been together for like 50 years and still hold hands.. and kiss and love eachother like the first date.. those people are heroes!

??Which colour of Death is yours??
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