Fun, Food, Fashion, Fame, Fortune, Books, Harry Potter, Movies, Hollywood, Showbiz, Sports, Entertainment, Internet, Socializing, Sex, School, Studies, Music, Love, Friends, Travel, Fear, Anime, Beauty, Vanity, Magic, Mystery, Pets,Technology, Adventure, Confectionery, Nature, Pleasure....arghhhhhhhh too many to think of...well i gotta consider anything fun as an interest!
I wanna meet someone who's real, someone whom I'm compatible with, someone cool, and someone like me. By the way if you wanna add me, my e-mail id is [email protected]....& I got a friendster account with the same e-mail adress ...thanx :)
RnB, Hiphop, Alternative Rock, Pop, Hardcore, Mellow, Classic, Urban Music, Country Music, OPM, Lovesongs, Ballads, Novelties and Jazz.
Duh!! HARRY POTTER and Lord Of the Rings of course...
American Idol, Sex and the City, Blind Date, Meet My Folks, The Fifth Wheel, X-Men Evolutions, Star Circle Quest, Starstruck Kids, Magandang Umaga Bayan, Good Morning Kris, Oprah, Starstruck Playhouse, Nuts Entertainment, Myx, Mtv, Mtv Fashionista, Tanging Ina, Yes Yes Show, Saturday Night Live, Simple Life, Anc, Cnn, Nbc, Hbo, Cinemax, Star World, Star Movies, Discovery Channel, Tech Tuesday, Toyota Wild Life, National Geographic Channel, Cinema One, Solar Usa, Fashion TV, Lifestyle Network, Ctn, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Charmed, The O.C., One Tree Hill, Smallville, Angel, 24, Alias, Eternity, Faking It, Nip/Tuck, whoooosh!!! just ask your cable operator about those things..well i'm a couch potato so there's no reason for me not to like any T.V. show :)
Harry Potter, Lord Of the Rings (Is that a question?)
HARRY POTTER...well don't u keep asking the same questions!!