Urban Progress is a new company specialising in bridging the gap between artists in the urban industry.We offer hip hop artists the chance to easily aquire guest appearences from some of the most respected and talented performers in the industry at realistic prices.
Started by international radio host and musician, Mista Montana, this free networking service provides all music-makers the chance to employ the talents of other artists, with ease.We do not charge you at any time for using us to arrange guest appearences for you - we are simply here to take the legwork out of contacting artists and managers.___________________________________________________
Contact us if you are seeking a guest appearence and need a quote from the artist - we will get you the lowest price possible and all final payment arrangements will be conducted between you and the artist.If you need your material to be promoted on international radio stations that reach a global audience then please get in touch_______________________________________________________
____Our clientele of artists that are waiting to hear from you regarding a guest appearance on your future projects - can all be found in our friends list.Find any artists you would like to collaborate with on our list and send us a message (only serious enquiries - no artists on our books will collaborate for free)I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4