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RUSELL BRAND....I WILL MARRY HIM!align="center"Other Random Stuff About Me by onmyown2723
Name:: Amy
Age:: 20
Height:: 2ft & a fag Butt
Weight:: 6st 7
Right or left-handed:: Right
Your heritage::
What is your favorite game?: Twister
Favorite color:: Pink or Purple
Least favorite color::
Do you like to drive fast?: Yes..I need to stop this
Do you like thunderstorms?: Love them!
What is your sign?: Gemini
Do you eat the stems of broccoli?: Yup
What was your first car?: Clio - I still have it!
If you could have any job, what would it be?: um...High class call
Is the glass half full or half empty?: FULL everytime!
Do you type with your fingers on the right keys?: Nope
What's under your bed?: Dust
What are your favorite sports to watch?: Football & Rugby
Single biggest intense pain?: um...losing my Mum i would say
The best places you have ever been?: Florida,czech
Hamburgers or hot dogs?: Both
What is your occupation?: Mortgage Advisor
What was the last thing you ate?: Fry up
Do you wish on stars?: Kinda
If you were a crayon, what color would you be?: um...
Last incoming call on your cell phone?: Tanya
Last outgoing call on your cell phone?: Tasha
What's your favorite restaurant?: Macky D's...Dur!
Favorite food?: Spag Bowl..macky D's
Britney Spears is a skank--agree or disagree?: Disagree
What type of music do you dislike most?: None
What was the last thing you bought?: Milk
Do you take illegal drugs?: Only when I was younger
Does someone have a crush on you?: Dnt think so
Do you really know all the words to the national anthem?: Nope
Favorite drink?: Coke
Favorite alcoholic drink?: Strongbow
Do you believe in love at first sight?: Would be nice
Where were you for Valentine's Day?: With my sister its her birthday you see
What's your favorite animal?: Doggy
What do you think about most?: Work!
Do you like to play in the rain?: Love it!
Are you a risk taker?: Defo...gets be in trouble
How many people have you had sex with in '06?: Its 07 now and I dont think I should disscus this
When was the last time you had sex?: Or this
Ever cheated on a g/f or b/f?: Yes
Have you ever been to jail?: Kinda
How many states have you lived in?:
Do you wear contacts or glasses?: Glasses 4 work
Hugs or kisses?: Both
Living arrangements?: Just moved back with daddy
Who is your best friend?: I have a few Tasha, jen. Lar. Hannah
What do you sleep in?: A Bed!
What is your bedtime?: late
Piercings? Tattoos?: 3 tats, belly & ears
Biggest pet peeve?:
I have low tolerance for people who....: are depressive
Do you sleep with the TV on?: Every night
Do you have a TV in your bedroom?: yes
Are you good at keeping secrets?: no
How do you spell relief?:
Parents still together?: nope
Can you handle the truth?: God Yeah
Current car?: Clio
Are you in love?: Nope, only with Russell this wrong?
Hair color?: Dark Brown
What are you afraid of?: Um..Nothing..apart fromnot getting what i want out of life
Last time you cried?: um..I never cry
Friend you've had the longest?: Lar, Sarah
Best friends?:
Favorite car?: FTO
Number of keys on your keyring?: 7
Favorite day of the week?: Friday!
Favorite shampoo?: Sunsilk
Day or night?: Night!
Best advice you've ever received?: Deal with it, get over it and move on (Actual my own advice)
Favorite quote?: Real Love Chunks
Favorite type of music?: rnb
Your biggest weakness?: men!
Biggest fear?: None
Are you close to your parents?: To daddy yes, very
Do you swear?: alot
Favorite song at the moment?: I wanna have ur babies
Favorite band?:
Do you have sex?: Um..yes
Read books?: yes
Have a religion?: No I hate religion.. its fine God doesnt
Vegetable you love/hate?: Love Brocolli
View on politics?: Dnt get me started I will be here for hours!
Worst habits?:
Do you like to watch porn?: Sometimes
*In a boyfriend/girlfriend*
Hair color?: Dark
Body type?: Buff!
Personality?: Its everything
Style of clothing?:
Do they have to be popular?: No
Kiss on the first date?: Yes
Sex on the first date?: Tash tells me off if i put out!
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