Going beach but no more beach in vegas, i get back flashes when i jump in da pool...dancin freestyle wit my rave town boyz...(u know who u are!!!)spending time wit my kids drey boy,aston,leizel.....leizel killin da hip hop scene at da age of TEN....she can dance......B 4 i forget my lovely wife lynn i love u baby.......Get Your Own! | View Slideshow
Anyone that GOD puts in my life...for a specific reason if i meet you theres a purpose that will make sense in the end....GODs love is so strong for anybody he touches, just reach out to him and he will be there...
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TFC i like lito lapid and oggie alcasid, Food Network iron chef is the bomb,you seen da episode $40 a day in hawaii spam mussubi....A&E Dog da Bounty Hunta!!! wow so classic when he said "YOU GOTTA QUIT ICE BEFORE YOUR BOTO GOING FALL OFF"LMAO!!!!
Im a open book read me and find out!!!
JESUS CHRIST!!!" With out our father up in heaven we are nothing"my parents my mom has such a good heart i love her to death, my pops who taught me about life and how to become a great father like he is...thank my parents for what they have done in my life... my wife lynn thanks for being so supportive in anything i put my mind to you are my heart and souli love you baby, freddy boy @ ronnie boy my true heros, without them i would have never known our father up in heaven........RAVE TOWN IN DA HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOPON!!!!!!!!!