Davana profile picture


If you heard about it I probably told you about it!

About Me

Hey Everyone !! Come chat with me on MSN Messenger!

Add ME [email protected] to your messenger and lets chat
Hey guys! If you want to show me some love and support feel free to spread the word! Just click the link below and let me know if you do so I can leave you a comment to show my appreciation....Cuz in the end....I would not be here without all of your love and support...cheering me on to get to the finish line....it means a whole lot to me...so once again....thank you for all of your help! I am so lucky to have such a strong support group! Keep rockin! xox Love/Davana


The Queen of Myspace

Click the picture to view profile!

Add Davana because she kicks ass!

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My Interests

Gossip and Information, Stock Market, Making Money, meeting new people.


To all my friends,
I really appreciate all of you for your kind comments and sweet emails. I read most of your comments and I try to read most of the emails but right now I'm getting about 500 emails a day, which makes reading all the messages impossible. I love you all and ask that you please don't take it personally if I don't respond to your email or read your message. Thanks! Davana