School, Sk8ing, exercise, and of course, the Lord... Living every moment to the best of my ability. Living a constructive lifestyle so that I may wake up each morning feeling happy with myself and eager to accomplish the essentials thoroughly and beyond. I must remain close/true to God as well as myself and others. Live honestly and unregretfully. Maintain balance in mind, body, and soul.
Jesus, Rodney Mullen, anyone who has been a considerable leader in our world, those who positively inspire. I wish I could have met Bruce Lee.
The sounds of everyday life, for all is unpatterned noise which is most important. Whatever sounds good.View my song history
not important... skate videos, martial arts videos...inspirational videos...eduacational...purposeful, spiritual. :-]
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many in which I should be reading. I need to read more frequently. Today it is all digital - good or bad?
Jesus, Rodney Mullen, Bruce Lee, Gandhi /MwrCWciPajM&fmt=18