Music, dancing all night with girls, hangin'out with friends, drinking beer at the Bikini (best rock n'roll bar in town dude), reading books in my bed, stupid stories about parties and drunk guys, gossip, junk food and fresh vegetables, coffee and cigarettes, my girlfriend, playing records in parties. After all it's a simple life !!
The Intellectuals + The Normals + Betty B and the Porn Electric Zombies @ Le Raymond Bar, 27 avril, 5 $Une Production Ultimo Auto ShopJaan Pehechaan Ho
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Rock n'roll and actually, a lot of other stuff !
are for dummies
sucks but well, i watch it
Richard Matheson rules !!!Jacques TardiWilliam BurroughsPhillip K DickDidier DaenincxJP ManchetteLéo Maletwell all these guys are writing crime of SF stories, strange junkie litterature with murder and "critique sociale" ! luv it !!my favorite book of all times
Lux Interior and Poison Ivy, The Sonics, My Boss (Gilberto, coolest guy in town)