David P profile picture

David P

reinventing myself over & over & over & over &....

About Me

Hey dudes-- Some of you know me, some don't... I'm just a guy who loves things and doesn't love some things.... But I know one thing I absolutively adore-- music!
I'll just keep beatin' my drums, and hopefully I'll either play with you, play FOR you or hell, just party it up with ya!! :D

My Interests


Member Since: 1/30/2007
Band Members: Idle Peasantry: Mark Campbell: acid-jazzy, funky spaced out guitars sending you into orbit, songwriter; Sean Fulltone: super smooth keys and sweet, good vibes; Goby Catt: bass player; David: percussion and general giddiness;
MSX: Michael Simpson: grindcore guitar w/a definite latin-jazz edge, lead vox, songwriter; Sean Fulltone: super strong keys from heaven takin' u up up and away; Johnny Wah: solid thumpin funksta playin' his eclectic soulful mix of jazz, rock groovy style; David: more irreverent reverie at hand from the likes of yours truly :D
*Did I forget to mention that we all sing backups in MSX..? Uhhh, yeah, we do! :D
Influences: Sh*t, mang-- I listen to a LOT of different musics, so everything from all of my past and current influences is as good a starting point as any:
Rush, Miles, Zappa, Doors, Zep, Billie, the Dead, Talking Heads, Dizzy, Phish, The Godfather of soul, Santana, Masada, Marley, Alpha Yaya Diallo, Jaga Jazzist, Clifford Gilberto, Iron Maiden, The Meters, Jerry Park Electric, Grey, Space 9, Goby Catt & the Catt Pack, Sean Fulltone, Mark Campbell, Simpson, Johnny Wah,
*there's tons more, but maybe I'll pencil 'em in laters.
Sounds Like: Li'l ol' me. Plus the other musicians I play with, I guess...... heh.
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Myspace is dead!

Weird how this all happened, hey?Facebook came in and took over;I'm guilty-- I have a facebook account, too.Ahh... whatcha gonna do?Keep up with the Jones'es I spose.Peace....
Posted by David P on Tue, 04 Sep 2007 12:35:00 PST