all forms of music, art and design. i love the science stuff too. Supposedly, if i'm a graphic designer, i appreciate physics and math...0_0!!
...i'd like to meet you, the reader if you can smile and say "yes" to the following question:Your attitude is contagious. Is yours worth catching?
a lil bit of everything...but it changes all the time
jap & korean horror movies. i like the occasional mindless action movie. i like the ones where, when you watch the trailer, it makes you jump up and down and go "whoaa...i wanna see that!!!"
i love the new stuff, but watching TV is like being a packrat..i can never NOT watch the old stuff...yes..i'm a rerun freak
The Devil Wears Prada, Amy Tan stuff, John Saul stuff, Memoirs of a Geisha, emily giffin stuff...sometimes i buy books cuz i like the cover.
only if they're super!