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Deliverance Tabernacle

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About Me

Grace and Peace! Please note that this page is maintained by selected staff of Deliverance Tabernacle. All messages of love and encouragement are forwarded to Apostle Lemmon. However, she does not always have the capacity to respond. She does however want to thank all of you in advance who take the time to send your love to her. We pray that this page is a blessing to you and that you move with us as we move in Christ.

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Create your own at MyNiceSpace.comAs I greet you in the matchless name of Jesus, the Christ, I would like to share with you the vision that God has given for Deliverance Tabernacle. In Proverbs 29:18, it declares " Where there is no vision, the people perish. But he that keepeth the law happy is he". It is important to know that both the vision and purpose, which is given by God, directs and guides His people in His way.When God birthed and established this ministry, it was to become a dwelling place of residence for those who needed to be set free, rescued and liberated through the hearing of HIS preached Word, His Prophetic Word and His sung Word.Deliverance Tabernacle is totally committed and dedicated to the promulgation, publicizing and the proclaiming of the gospel of Jesus Christ. We are also committed to the instituting and participation of various support activities and projects designed to minister the spiritual, material and physical needs of the people. Delivernce Tabernacle also has a mandate to equip the Body of Christ with the understanding of the five-fold ministry as stated in Ephesians 4:11-16.Since it's inception, God promised that this would be a ministry that shall never be in want, for He would supply all of our need according to His riches in glory. As Pastor, I have witnessed the fulfillment of this promise. Many individuals have blessed us both financially and materialistically but more importantly, many have come and accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.Another very important aspect of the "Vision of the House" is the working and usage of spiritual gifts and special talents that has been bestowed upon many individuals. These individuals, at one time were not allowed to use them. The Lord promised that He would bless this ministry by placing those individuals here at Deliverance Tabernacle. Again, I have witnessed the fulfillment of this promise for several ministies have been birthed as God graced those sons and daughters. These ministries include Vision of Praise and Vision of Prase Too, DT Steppers, REACH Womens's Ministry, Men @ Work Men's Ministry and the Evangelism Outreach Team. These are the affirmations as well as validations of God's promise to the ministry.The Vision that God has entrusted the ministry and myself with, is ongoing for there is still much to accomplish. Under God's authority and direction, the Deliverance Tabernacle Church of Christ will continue to do kingdom building within the Body of Christ. In addition, it is still our desire to feed and clothe the homeless, provide day care services, housing and transportation for the elderly, eduacational training for our youth, as well as organizing a youth athletic club. It is my duty and responsibility to God, the Church, the Community, and myself to ensure that this vision is kept alive.Contiue to pray for the Deliverance Tabernacle family as we endeavor to keep the vision alive so that God's people will not perish. In His Service - Apostle Joyce Y. Lemmon

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