I take pleasure in the simple things in life...love my FAMILYcan't live without my FRIENDS...and I adore FRANCIS
I take pleasure in the simple things in life...love my FAMILYcan't live without my FRIENDS...and I adore FRANCIS
LOVE::...sleeping...eating out...cheesecake...cheeseburgers...tulips...BIG hugs...shopping...black tops...black shoes...maui boys...bottled water...cold nights & a warm comforter...shave ice from waiola...the beach...talking to TIB...CAN DO WITHOUT::...raw fish...the sun with no sunscreen...haters...fakers...bad breath...denim on denim...unfolded laundry...shoes with no socks...ignorance...dirty feet...secondhand smoke...waiting...body odor...stereotypes...
shiny happy people
anything other than heavy metal and gangsta rap
i am a sucker for cheesy romantic comedies and teeny bopper movies
i am a reality tv junkie