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by Karl KilianA KOSMOPROLET is from the bottom of the heart a KOSMOPROLET.
A KOSMOPROLET thinks global, but is not as elitist as a Cosmopolite.
A KOSMOPROLET is not a priori from a higher class. A KOSMOPROLET can have every family backgorund.(but this does not mean, that he has to be always poor like a churchmouse. Lots of now living KOSMOPROLETs are from upper-middleclass, but with lots of good thinking in their brains. With „good thinking“ a Komsoprolet transcendents his family background).
To be KOSMOPROLET is at first a brain thing: The KOSMOPROLET is interested in world and it’s inhabitants. The KOSMOPROLET thinks more than only about himself and he takes general responsibility for others! This he does for humans and the world in general.
• A KOSMOPROLET likes to travel the world – in reality and also in his brain. He tries to look behind things, to find substance and understand people.
• A KOSMOPROLET has similarities with an artists, but he doesn’t have to be one.
• KOSMOPROLET can be intellectual, but that’s also not a necessarity. Most important is to be open!
• A KOSMOPROLET takes care.
• A KOSMOPROLET tries to understand.
• A KOSMOPROLET asks questions.
• A KOSMOPROLET asks behind.
• A KOSMOPROLET does argumentation.
• A KOSMOPROLET thinks beyond his horizon.
• A KOSMOPROLET is sexy.
A KOSMOPROLET finds misunderstanding and brainknack, but moves often – as a social phenomenon – with other KOSMOPROLET. KOSMOPROLET recognize and know other KOSMOPROLET often (and without knowing first moment) and they build networkings.
That’s the main characteristics of a KOSMOPROLET: He has not enough with life, world and thinking how it is. He is change!
• A KOSMOPROLET can have a regular job or be workless.
• A KOSMOPROLET can be rich or poor.
• A KOSMOPROLET can have a Villa or be homeless.
• A KOSMOPROLET tries to fulfil himself.
• A KOSMOPROELT tries to live his/her dreams.
• A KOSMOPROLET thinks & acts worldwide.
• A KOSMOPROLET tries to be honest.
• A KOSMOPROLET admits to love.
• A KOSMOPROLET is basically left (& all the others can FUCK OFF!)
• A KOSMOPROLET doesn’t believe is nations & geographical borders.
• A KOSMOPROLET is against violence.
• A KOSMOPROLET tries to cross intellectual boarders.
• A KOSMOPROLET always “triesâ€, because a „being“ is either appearance or only temporary.
But the KOSMOPROLET tries with absolute dedication and full power! Failure and breakdown is always possible! A KOSMOPROLET transgresses a KOSMOPROLET in many cases. This as well as it concerns their condition, as it concerns their aims. A KOSMOPROLET can not be a „citizen of the world“ because he declines the term „citizen“.
• A KOSMOPROLET is not primitive, he tries to be absolutely the opposite.
• A KOSMOPROLET is nor copying someone. • KOSMOPROLET fights for individuality.
• A KOSMOPROLET fights conformism.
• A KOSMOPROLET fights militarism.
• A KOSMOPROLET fight uniformism.
• A KOSMOPROLET likes concentration.
• A KOSMOPROLET applies huge willpower.
• A KOSMOPROLET is social.
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The band KOSMOPROLET is from the Novosibirsk & superstyle, because we live KOSMOPROLET. Very supersex! At home we work down in the coalmine to heat for people, thats good job & there is song about: "Working in the Coalmine doing Hash Hash Hash", very inspiring & good for flying.
We have lots of massage to tell, but we do in songs, because comes from heart direct & makes us happy. We are old school hiphop, sexycool & on stage unbeliveable but true.
"i am da new elvAs"
KOSMOPROLET live @ Vienna flucwanne
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