Abigail profile picture


About Me

God is number 1 in life everything else comes after. I'm not sacrificing my relationship with the almighty to fit in with you. I'm honest, outspoken, goal-oriented. I want to accomplished certain goals in my life and if you're in my way then we're going to have a problem. You want to know more just ask. If i don't answer you it just means it's not worth my time.
tons of questions that show your in depth side!
whats your name?: Astride
what do people call you?: Strid, Lady A
where you named after anything?: u mean anyone?
if you were born the oppisite sex what would your name be?: i dunno
do people spell/say your name wrong?: some ppl can't say it
if you could change your name what would you change it to?: i wouldn't
gender?: female
birthday?: 9/26/88
age?: 18
age you act?: 18 i guess
age you want to be?: i'm ok with being 18
height?: 5'9
eye color?: black
happy with it?: yep
natural hair color?: black
happy with it? if not do you dye it?: yeah
righty or lefty?: righty
family?: ......
pets?: none
peircings?: 2
tatoos?: none
love and stuff
single?: yea
who are you with, or who do you want to be with?: ^^^ ..........
are you in love?: no
have you ever been in love, if so how many times?: no
do you believe in love at first sight?: no
is it possible to be faithful to one person for ever?: yeah
do you want to get married?: yes
do you want to have kids?: yep
how many?: 3
do you believe in divorce?: i know it possible but i'm not aiming for it
do you belive in true love?: yea
do you consider love a mistake?: no
turn-ons?: christian, honest, (latino) lol cha
turns-offs?: grillz,
do you think the oppisite sex finds you attractive?: y don't u ask them?
what is best about the opposite sex?: best...the abs,, the muscle, that innocent llok in some of their eyes, wait the ? was physical only right, lol
what is worst about the oppisite sex?: umm, that grabbing their crouch thing, relax it's not gonna fall...but some pll...let me stop
are you a virgin?: yeah
do you belive you should be in love to have sex?: ..........
how far have you gone?: not far
how many people have you had sex with?: 0
do other people consider you a slut?: no
right at this moment...
where are you?: at work
what can you see out your window?: i see the top of this building
are you listening to music?: no
are you lonely or tired?: i'm tired
use 5 words to decribe how you are feeling:: mwen pa sou sa a
are you talking to anyone ..? if so who?: no
are you talking to anyone of the phone? if so who?: no
what are you wearing?: this blue & gray shirt, blue jean
what are you doing?: i''m answering the ? on this survey
whats on your mousepad?: nothing
how many true friends do you have?: about 10 i think
are you a loner?: no
who is your best friend?: i actually have three they know who they are, i won't list the name b/c i know they''ll pay attention to the order
oldest?: Ketsia
newest?: ummm....
shyest?: Cha, i guess
loudest?: Waldine
smartest?: ...........
ditziest?: oh i can't say
funniest?: they're all funny
who is the best listener?: ahhh
do you prefer to hang out with one friend or a group of friends?: either way i'm fine
who do you wish you were closer to?: i'm close to the ppl i care to be close with already
who knows the most about you?: it's probably a tie b/t Dee N Cha
who knows the least about you?: i dunno
who do you trust the most?: they know who they are
the least?: well, she talks too much (va..) lol
who do you fight with the most?: none of them
who do you talk to .. the most?: Cho., Cha.
who do you talk to on the phone the most?: ^^^^^^^
do you trust others easily?: nope
name one who's arms you feel safe in:: just one?....
who house were you at last?: Waldine
who's your second family?: ^^^^, i spent the most time at her house
who lives the farthest away?: Blendyne i think
do you....
smoke?: no
drink alcohol?: no
do drugs?: I value my brain cells
pray?: yes
go to church?: yes
sleep with stuffed animals?: just 1 lol
take walks in the rain?: hin hin,my immune system is weak enough
dance in the rain?: noo
do any sports? if so which ones?: lol, naw
sleep around?: no
lie a lot?: i try not to
steal?: no
gamble?: no
have you ever....
kissed a stranger?: no
slept with a stranger?: no
spun until you were so dizzy you couldn't walk?: yea, lol
screamed so much you lost your voice?: yea
laughed so much it was painful?: yep yep
cried so much it was painful?: no
gone skinny dipping?: what? no
played strip poker?: hin hin, noooo
had a medical emergency?: not lately
ran away from home?: Haitian parents... u figured out the answer
done something extremely unexpected?: I've said unexpected things
slept outside?: no
been onstage?: yeah
deep stuff....
whats your biggest fear?: I fear God
what was your weirdest dream?: I was in this elementary school and a bunch of little kids crowded me and this boy in a room, it look like we were in a mansion, later on the boy told me he had a simil. dream
scariest dream?: I was passing by a van and this guy jumped from behind and i got kidnapped...i think i stayed up the rest of the night
do you have a reoccuring dream?: not that i remember
what was your best dream?: when it happens i'll let you know
what IS your dream?: not enough space here
do you live in the moment?: sometimes
what you greatest stregth?: my brain
whats your greatest weakness?: chocolate
do you have a motto you live by?: not really
if your life were a movie what would it be called?: An unexpected turn
do you have any bad habits?: well...I burp a lot....yes girls burp too
do you have any secrets?: of course i do, don't u?
are you fake?: no, the fact that i'm breathing right now is a sign of my realness...lol
what do you want to do in life?: I want to make a difference
are you a daredevil?: nope
are you predictable?: depends on the situation
do you keep a journal/diary?: nope, my friends are my diary
if you could change one thing about you would you? what would it be?: i doubt it, god made me this way for a reason
if you were someone else, would you be friends with yourself?: yes
do you think your a good person?: what's ur definition of a good person?
do you think your emotionally strong?: yeah
do you regret anything?: i try not to
do you think life has been good so far?: yes it's been good
what do you like most about you body?: my boobs, lol
least?: not sure
are you trust worthy?: yes
are you gullible?: no
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Shakira,Alicia Keys , Gwen stefani, Pitbull, ect.


Madagascar, Bring it on, Scary movie 1, 2 & 3, Final Destination, White Chicks, Shrek 1 & 2, You got served, Mean girls ect....


Malcolm in the middle,The soup, two and a half men, CSI:crime scene investigation, Law and Order : SVU, ect. .. ..


The Darwin awards: survival of the fittest.


God and my family