the island life. boxing and swimming. staying up late. studying world religions. the great outdoors. justice!! mowing fields in texas and the smell afterwards. hard manual work and the feeling afterwards. talking to folks who look you in the eye. discovering cherie. fast, big, mean horses - hotbloods and racers. LOVE. adoring a pretty girl far more than myself (and it being returned completely). taking naps. guns and a good hunt. fine italian wine. my scotch/german/american indian ancestors. coffee and cigarettes. the english countryside. eastern europe. getting warm faithful hugs from the old ladies at my church. pub food. philosophy. proudly being bapti-catho-presba-lutha-messiani-costal. communion. connecting w/ strangers, especially the disenfranchised, who are probably more interesting anyway. fire! chivalry. getting lost and finding a way again.
my great great grandfather
the daylights, peter gabriel, serge gainsbourg, johnny cash, kent, the beatles, u2, billy and the pumpkins, trex, the cranberries, nin, bellx1, the temptations, elliott smith, zeppelin, mr. nick drake, elvis, sigur ros, the stones ..
anything terrance malick, b/w kung fu movies, gattaca, last of the mohicans, bottle rocket, the longest day, billy elliott, raiders of the lost ark, tombstone, amelie, what about bob, dumb and dumber, the man from snowy river, flight of the navigator, jeremiah johnson, never ending story, fight club, old movies like swiss family robinson and the sound of music (yes, i will admit i watched it this week and it did indeed make me feel like a better person).
hardly watch it - but if i do... the history channel. discovery channel. espn. cnn/cspan. the office. arrested development.
anything tolstoy, dostoyevsky, guy de maupassaunt and his devastating short stories, ALL steinbeck, plato, mark helprin - especially "soldier of the great war", the apostle paul's letters, poe, cs lewis, stephen crane, tolkien, dylan, the harry potters, chiam potok, celebration of discipline, sir walter scott, defoe, military survival/tactical manuals, frederick beuchner, francis schaeffer, anything old men sit around reading such as countless same-plot-fight a guy-save and get a girl-kill a man-get the gold and glory-every time westerns, books of war (ancient and modern -especially on the world wars), and good travel books.
john the baptist. my mum and dad.