The man who full in love with the moon-Tom Spanbauber In the City of the shy hunter-Tom Spanbauber. The God of the little things-Arunthati Roy Opus Nigrun-Marguerite Yourcenar. Fire-Marguerite Yourcenar. The Glass Bead Game-Herman Hesse. The Complete Tales- Herman Hesse. El Plan Infinito- Isabell Allende. De Amor y de Sombras-Isabel Allende. Seven Gothic Tales-Isaak Denisen. Marica- William Borough. El manuscrito Carmesi-Antonio Gala. O Cesar o nada- Manuel Vazquez Montalban. Vicente Alexaindre-Poesia. Federico Garcia Lorca-Poesia y Teatro Mayor. Mario Bendetti- Poesia. Pablo Neruda-Poesia. Manuel Altolaguirre-Poesia. and more... more... more.... more..............
Maria Theresa of Calcuta and somemany others unknown heros who daily offering themselves to relieve all the pain and all the misery of the humanity.