My real name is Delje, Im down to earth,kind hearted when I want to be, out going, and attentive.. . I have a few friends and a lot of associates.. ...I moved here from Monterey California back in 2003 to go to Texas Southern. Since Ive been here Ive become open minded but Im still a proper/bougie chick so ... On that note I prefer EDUCATED people... I like to network with people who are already set in their careers or in graduate school. It doesn't make much since to me to "network" with people who aren't where they want to be in life or damn near close. I need some one who I can learn from ... not teach.Your pictures, page and comment/notes will determine if I respond! If your page is blocked/private I doubt I will respond If YOur face is covered In your picture you might as well not have a picture get my drifted dumb ass. Why waste energy taking a pic covering your face with a rag or ect... I apologize in advance Im not going to like every one who likes me...At the end of the day this is just "MYSPACE". YOUR Page Represents How YOU Want The World To View You. If Your Talking About B*TCH's and Ho's On YOUR Page Your Definitely NOT MY TYPE !!!
poetic justice and in too deep..
law in order,first 48, CNN money and the local news
coldest winter ever by sister souljah.
Hero?Wtf? Are they gonna save me from this F^ck uped world?