Myspace Layouts at / Hope In Jesus
Welcome to Ohio Christian Scream if we can help you in anyway just drop us a line~Jesus Saves~O.C.S.
Myspace Layouts at / Hope In Jesus
Welcome to Ohio Christian Scream if we can help you in anyway just drop us a line~Jesus Saves~O.C.S.Ohio Christian Scream is a service done to help promote Christian Bands of all kinds of flavors. From Rock to Rap to Country to Praise & Worship groups...we help to get the word out on any one needing that extra little effort to get a larger turn out of teens, young adults, or older groups to line up outside your event! Posters, Flyer's, emails, IM ....whatever it take to help we are there for ya! You need to just want to get the word of God to the people looking to know the REAL JESUS! We are solely here to spread the word of Jesus Christ. If your band or organization is on that same track, we are welcoming you to join as a friend. That is it! Are you interested? Just send information on your events you would like us to help with. Now understand with this being a FREE service..doesn't mean..taking advantage of what we are offering. Just asking if you want flyer's mailed out to are to pay for paper, stamps & envelopes. Any emails, blogs, Bulletin sent out are free! Enjoy! God Bless!You can email us two ways : Myspace or @ [email protected] asked Jesus how much do you love me He then spread out his arms and died for me!!
Stay tuned for pictures of the newly-designed MM truck and trailer.Ready to book the Mobile Ministry for your church or group of area churches? Contact Neal Whitney - [email protected] - (419) 231-0226
Escape From Folly's NEW CD!!!
How You May Receive Christ As Savior
To begin your relationship with God and to establish your place in heaven, you must begin by praying (talking to God). Below is an example of a simple prayer that will help you know what to say when you talk to God."God, I realize I need a Savior. I confess that I have sinned and I know that my sin will keep me out of heaven. I realize there is not one single thing I can do to earn my way into Your heaven. Right now I am placing all, 100 percent of my trust, in Christ’s death on the cross and resurrection from the dead as payment for my sin. I now accept you as my Lord and Savior, and I commit my life to you. Thank you for forgiving me and filling me with your Holy Spirit."