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Modern day Vagabond

About Me

I think I have experienced more in my life so far, than most people will ever experience in 10 lifetimes. So I think I have a pretty different view on life and of people than most. By the way, this is the internet here, don't take this thing so seriously. Just have fun and keep your sense of humor. I don't get people who have thousand of friends on here and all hot girls. Do they think that makes them look cool? By the way, I don't just add random people to my friends list. I actually know everyone on my list..... except Jenna, she is a friend of a friend, who I haven't met yet....... Anyways, I was born and raised in LA. I love the beach, used to surf big waves until I drowned and died and then lost the thrill of it.... obviously I am not dead. My sport is beach volleyball, and I also like cycling. I am pretty easy to talk to and love meeting intelligent cool people. Shy is something I have never been accused of being, but I do have a very low tolerance for stupidity and ignorance..... otherwise, I probably have more patience for a friend than you can imagine. My friends are like my family. There isn't anything I wouldn't do for one. I am there for a friend anytime no matter what the situation is. And I always give money to a homeless person when I go by them. It breaks my heart to see someone that alone and down on their luck. Ok, I think that is enough about me, most likely if you are reading this, you already know me anyways. And if you don't, then feel free to say hi. Remember, life is short, try to have fun and be happy and don't hurt anyone in the process