A Global Threat, Abuse, Action, The Adicts, Amebix, Angelic Upstarts, Anti-Cimex, Antidote, Anti-Flag, Anti-Product, Anti-System, Antiseen, Aus-rotten, Behind Enemy Lines. Blitz, Born/Dead, The Briggs, The Casualties, Caustic Christ, Chaotic Alliance, Cheap Sex, Clit 45, Cockney Rejects, Complete Control, Conflict, Counterblast, Crass, Cropknox, Damage Case, Decontrol, Defiance, Devotchkas, Disturbance, Dropdead, Dystopia, The Escaped, The Exploited, Filth, Fleas and Lice, From Ashes Rise, Frontline Attack, G.B.H., The Havoc, Hell Ratz, Infa-Riot, Insant Agony, Kraut, Lars Frederiksen and the Bastards Lower Class Brats, Monster Squad, Nausea, Oi Polloi, Oxymoron, Pestpocken, Rudimentary Peni, The Scarred, SS-Kaliert, The Stitches, Subhumans, Toxic Narcotic, Toxic Waste, Tragedy, UK Subs, The Unseen, The Virus, The Warning
A Clockwork Orange, Anarchist Cookbook, Punk's Not Dead, SLC Punk, Sid and Nancy.
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