John / P.J. profile picture

John / P.J.

Where's the funny?

About Me

Love the California sun! I moved from Michigan in January and still haven't gotten used to it. Despite the mind numbing traffic and crazy high cost of living, I can say I don't see myself going back to the Midwest any time soon. Sorry mom.I work in the entertainment field (me and every every other chucklehead in this town). Writing mainly, but I also act. I've written original comedy revues, teleplays, and features (check out One script placed in Slamdance and another was co-written with Dave Coulier (he was Uncle Joey on Full House, remember?). Anyway, love that writing thing.And just in case you're wondering, I'm cursed with two names. I won't even try to explain. Just call me whatever you want. Just don't call me crazy. Oh snap.

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My Interests

Writing, movies, plays, friends and family, writing, exercising, cooking, being a health freak, writing, acting, reading, volunteering, did I mention writing?

I'd like to meet:

Friendly people. Preferably normal ones. This whole Internet way of making friends kind of freaks me out, but I have to believe there are sane people out there. Please don't prove me wrong.


Dave Matthews Band, Barenaked Ladies, U2, and Coldplay, are obvious choices. I also like Aimee Mann, For Wishes, Denison Witmer, Marsen Jules, Sting, Johnny Cash, Led Zeppelin. The Twilight Singers are good, but dark. Very dark.


Older movies are the best. Casablanca, The Bicycle Thief, It's a Wonderful Life (sappy, but good), Some Like It Hot, Ordinary People, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, Tender Mercies, North by Northwest and Kramer vs. Kramer.More recent favs: The Shawshank Redemption, Forrest Gump, Magnolia, Cast Away, Crash, Rainman, Short Cuts, The Big Lebowski, About Schmidt, Million Dollar Baby, What the Bleep Do We Know?


The Office is the best. Too bad Arrested Development went off the air. Seinfeld, The West Wing and Cheers is missed too.


Any book by David Sedaris, Conversations with God, A Course in Miracles, A People's History of the United States, A Return to Love, The Adventures of Huck Finn, The Catcher in the Rye


I guess it depends on what you think a hero is. To me, it's someone who runs into danger when others are running out. It's also someone who takes on a life challenging event and stops at nothing to overcome it. So if you're that person, you're my hero.