Surfing, bodyboarding, Diving, Hiking, Texas Hold 'Em, Art (industrial, architectural, landscape, contemporary, etc), and a whole bunch of other crap.
God, Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr., Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha), Bob Marley, King Saladin, Michaelangelo, Leonardo Da Vinci, and a bunch of other dead dudes that greatly influence our modern culture... and perhaps you?
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Reggae: Roots, Rock Steady, Dancehall, Reggaeton, Calypso, Lovers Rock, etc:::.. and anything depending on the mood. The more positive vibes, the better!
Endless Summer Series, Step into Liquid, LOTR series, Matrix series, Big, 40 days and 40 nights, Serendipity, Someone Like You, Knight's Tale, Notting Hill, Cutting Edge, Bad Boys series, Pixar movies, etc:::..
National Geographic, Discovery, MTV, Spike, CNN, and X-files!
Just magazines. EW, Surfing, Dwell, National Geographic, Sunset (yes, i said sunset!), and whatever catches my eye...
My dad of course. He's been through so much and yet his humor is ever present.