reading, music, coffee [waffle house only], xbox, watching people [not that way].
a low down snake in the grass going out the back door.
truth and not in a subjective nature.
the end and the beginning.
Who Are You In The Cthulhu Mythos?
You are NYARLATHOTEP, the mind, spirit, physical representation of and messenger to, the Outer Gods. Often manifesting in human form, Nyarlathotep is a great manipulator of humans, bending them to the will of his masters.In true form Nyarlathotep is a 55' tall monstrosity with a giant trunk-like proboscis. But he prefers the guise of a human, often appearing as a rich, well educated man, bending people to his will and towards their ultimate downfall.
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adopt your own virtual pet!love fall, hate missing band
Your Musical Tastes Match: Weird Al
See his whole playlist here (iTunes required)
What Celebrity Matches Your Taste in Music?
right now...animatrix, beavis and butthead [but they didn't put any of the fire episdoes in it], professional wrestling in one form or another, titus, dr. strangelove, altered states [very strange but good for 5 bucks], thinking of getting either the bob dylan documentary or a cash one any ideas?
You Are Meatwad
The Ultimate Aqua Teen Hunger Force Quiz
brought to you by Quizilla
Take the Which Invader ZIM character are you? by Glovey
You Are Fozzie Bear
"Wocka! Wocka!"
You're the life of the party, and you love making people crack up.
If only your routine didn't always bomb!
You may find more groans than laughs, but always keep the jokes coming.
The Muppet Personality Test
all possible works by: twain, kerouac, brautigan, steinbeck, thoreau then a good bit of: vonnegut, emerson, sartre, camus, shakespeare, dostoesvky [never could spell that correctly, but notes from the underground is a must], and of course my guilty pleasures of king [s, not ml], george r.r. martin, card's ender series and bean series but still waiting to read the last one. read bunches of foucault for school and adore him, buddy gave me a louis lamoure book and it was much better than i had anticipated. due to school i am unable to read stephen king anymore...just too trite. i'm thinking of aristotle and socrates for the summer but you never know what goodies may pop up to sway me.
the person i could be if i would only let day i hope to meet him